これらのサーバー側のユーザー フィールドの検証を改善する方法はありますか?
<cfif Form.LoginName EQ ""><h1>Login Name is required.</h1></cfif>
<cfif Form.Password EQ ""><h1>Password is required.</h1></cfif>
<cfif Form.Password NEQ Form.PasswordConfirmation><h1>Password confirmation does not match Password.</h1></cfif>
<cfif Form.FirstName EQ ""><h1>First Name is required.</h1></cfif>
<cfif Form.LastName EQ ""><h1>Last Name is required.</h1></cfif>
<cfif Form.LoginName EQ "" OR Form.Password EQ "" OR Form.Password NEQ Form.PasswordConfirmation OR Form.FirstName EQ "" OR Form.LastName EQ "">
<p>User has not been created</p>
<p>You can use your browser's back button to keep form fields filled and try again.</p>
<p><a href="users.cfm">Return to users list</a>.</p>