多くの実行時間の長いプロセスを継続的にトリガーしたいと考えています。そして、実行された各プロセスから返されたステータスに基づいて、他のタスクを実行する必要があります。以下の例では、プロセスを生成できますが、メール ループ (つまり、CmdProtocol クラス) に返される生成プロセスの実行ステータスの詳細をキャプチャ/取得することはできません。
私はこのねじれた python の概念に不慣れです - 誰かが私を助けてくれますか?
import sys
from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory, ProcessProtocol
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import protocol
import os
import signal
class MyPP(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
def __init__(self):
self.parent_id = os.getpid()
def connectionMade(self):
print "connectionMade!"
print "Parent id = %s" % self.parent_id
print "Child process id = %s" % self.transport.pid
def outReceived(self, data):
print "out", data
def errReceived(self, data):
print "error", data
def inConnectionLost(self):
print "inConnectionLost! stdin is closed! (we probably did it)"
print "Parent id = %s" % self.parent_id
print "Child process id closes STDIN= %s" % self.transport.pid
def outConnectionLost(self):
print "outConnectionLost! The child closed their stdout!"
print "Parent id = %s" % self.parent_id
print "Child process id closes STDOUT = %s" % self.transport.pid
def errConnectionLost(self):
print "errConnectionLost! The child closed their stderr."
print "Parent id = %s" % self.parent_id
print "Child process id closes ERRCONN = %s" % self.transport.pid
def processExited(self, reason):
print "processExited %s, status %d" % (self.transport.pid, reason.value.exitCode,)
def processEnded(self, reason):
print "%s processEnded, status %d" % (self.transport.pid, reason.value.exitCode,)
print "quitting"
class CmdProtocol(LineReceiver):
delimiter = '\n'
def connectionMade(self):
self.client_ip = self.transport.getPeer()
print "Client connection from %s" % self.client_ip
def processcmd(self):
pp = MyPP()
cmd = ['c:\Python27\python.exe', '-u', 'print_hi.py']
print "Calling processcmd - <%s>" % cmd
reactor.spawnProcess(pp, cmd[0], cmd[1:])
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print "Lost client connection. Reason: %s" % reason
def lineReceived(self, line):
if not line: return
# Parse the command
print 'Cmd received from %s : %s' % (self.client_ip, line)
commandParts = line.split()
if len(commandParts) > 0:
command = commandParts[0].lower()
args = commandParts[1:]
print "Command received : <%s>" % command
method = getattr(self, command)
except AttributeError, e:
self.sendLine('Error: no such command.')
res = method()
print "Returned status:%s" % res
self.sendLine('Command executed successfully.')
except Exception, e:
self.sendLine('Error: ' + str(e))
def do_kill(self, pid):
"""kill: Kill a process (PID)"""
print 'Killing pid:%s' % pid
res = os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
print "Kill Status %s" % res
class MyFactory(ServerFactory):
protocol = CmdProtocol
def __init__(self):
print "Factory called"
reactor.listenTCP(8000, MyFactory())