私の目的:(可能であれば)「if」部分を減らします。その部分は、どのドロップダウン ボックスが「空」から変更されたかをチェックし (実際には「すべて」ですが、何か良い場合は空に変更できます)、それらの条件 (ホーム大学、ホスト) を満たすユーザーのみを表示するように適用します。大学、場所、および/または国籍. これは、私が作成できた唯一の簡単で基本的な方法です.
function get_user_listing($curauth) {
global $post;
$concat = wpu_concat_single();
// These get the values from the plugin Cimy User Extra Fields:
// These get the values from a dropdown form in the page:
$selectedhomeuni = $_POST['homeuni'];
$selectedhostuni = $_POST['hostuni'];
$selectedlocation = $_POST['location'];
$selectednationality = $_POST['nationality'];
//This is the code that has to be run every time to display every user info:
include '/home/u548205287/public_html/wp-content/themes/Trim/profilescode.php';
// I set an initial page that runs the code with no conditions because with
the form, the page would look empty until the form is submitted once:
if(is_page(806)) {return $html;}
if($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {return $html;} // The possibilities with each dropdown start here. If "all" (the "empty" one) is selected, nothing changes and all are displayed.
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni) {return $html;}} // If any dropdown is selected, its value acts as a filter and only the users with that info are shown.
elseif($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {if($hostuni==$selectedhostuni) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {if($location==$selectedlocation) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni && $hostuni==$selectedhostuni) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni && $location==$selectedlocation) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni && $nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni && $hostuni==$selectedhostuni && $location==$selectedlocation) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni && $hostuni==$selectedhostuni && $nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni && $location==$selectedlocation && $nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni != "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($homeuni==$selectedhomeuni && $hostuni==$selectedhostuni && $location==$selectedlocation && $nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality == "all") {if($hostuni==$selectedhostuni && $location==$selectedlocation) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation == "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($hostuni==$selectedhostuni && $nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni != "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($hostuni==$selectedhostuni && $location==$selectedlocation && $nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
elseif($selectedhomeuni == "all" && $selectedhostuni == "all" && $selectedlocation != "all" && $selectednationality != "all") {if($location==$selectedlocation && $nationality==$selectednationality) {return $html;}}
すべてのifを実行するより良い方法があるかどうか知りたいです。きっとあるよ。ありがとうございました :)