objLibPharmacy.UserId = Guid.Parse(Session["GroupId"].ToString());
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it
originated in the code.
一部のスタック トレースは次のとおりです。
[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
bindPharmacyPopUp は次のとおりです。
private void bindPharmacyPopUp()
/******************Bind Pharmacy Popup*********************/
objLibPharmacy = new LibPharmacy();
objLibPharmacy.PharmacyId = 0;
objLibPharmacy.UserId = Guid.Parse(Session["GroupId"].ToString());
objclsPharmacy = new clsPharmacy();
objDs = objclsPharmacy.GetPharmacy(objLibPharmacy);
string strFilter = "";
if (objDs != null)
if (txtSearchPharmacy.Text != "")
strFilter = "PharmacyName like '%" + txtSearchPharmacy.Text + "%'";
DataView dv = objDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;
if (strFilter != "")
dv.RowFilter = strFilter;
Utility.bindGridview(dv.ToTable(), gvPharmacyList);
Utility.bindDDL(objDs.Tables[1], ddlPharmacyDetail, "Pharmacy");
//ViewState["PharmacyTable"] = objDs.Tables[0];
null 参照の原因は何ですか? デバッグをエラーなしで実行するには、このような null 参照をどのように処理すればよいですか?