I want to get a value of a cell from access database where value of "fdne1" column is textBox1.text in other words I dont know "statment" code in below code what should be my database columns are fdne1, fee
string statement =??????????? */Select * From Table2 where fdne1 valve is textBox1.text
OleDbCommand MyOleDbComm2 = new OleDbCommand();
MyOleDbComm2.CommandText =
"UPDATE Table2 " +
"SET fee="+ statment +
" Where(Table2.fdne1)='" + textBox1.Text + "'";
MyOleDbComm2.Connection = ObjConn2;
My database is access and has 2 tables ,table2 have 2 columns I want to get value of "fee" column in a row that "fdne1" value is somthing like textbox1.text and put it to a string or convert it to int then I do some mathematic processes on it and put the new value on database I can edit database but I want value of the cell that I said Sorry for bad English :)