

template <typename ...T> struct list {};

template <typename T, typename U>
struct pair
  typedef T first;
  typedef U second;

template <std::size_t i>
using index = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i>;

template <std::size_t ON, std::size_t M, std::size_t N, typename ...Ps>
struct cartesian
  : std::conditional<bool(N),
      cartesian<ON, M, N - 1, pair<index<M>, index<N> >, Ps...>,
      cartesian<ON, M - 1, ON, pair<index<M>, index<N> >, Ps...>

template <std::size_t ON, typename ...Ps>
struct cartesian<ON, 0, 0, Ps...>
  : list<pair<index<0>, index<0> >, Ps...>

template <std::size_t M, std::size_t N>
struct make_cartesian : cartesian<N - 1, M - 1, N - 1>
  static_assert(M > 0, "M has to be greater than 0");
  static_assert(N > 0, "N has to be greater than 0");

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