
次のスクリプトを使用して groupon の API から取引を取得し、それらを HTML ページに配置していますが、配列やループなどの json ファイルからデータを取得できません。

$(function () {
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        show: "all",
        division_id: "los-angeles"
    .done(function (data) {
    // do whatever processing you need to do to the data
    // right here, then drop it in the div
    $.each(data.deals, function (i, v) {
        $img = $("<img/>", {
            src: v.mediumImageUrl
        $title = $("<div/>", {
            html: v.title,
            class: "dealName"
        $price = $("<div/>", {
            html: v.options.price,
            class: "price"
        $deal = $("<div/>", {
            html: v.textAd,
            class: "dealSmall"



Json データ

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        "finePrint": "Limit 1 per household, may buy 5 additional as gifts. Must activate by expiration date on Groupon, membership expires 12 months from activation date. Online redemption required. New clients only. Must be 18 or older. Must use promotional value in 1 visit.",
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                "description": "Live sports, music, and theater events",
                "name": "Will Call",
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        "pitchHtml": "<p>Seeing a live performance is an exciting, ever-changing interaction between you, the performer, and the stranger whose lighter you keep stealing. Make connections with this Groupon.</p>\n\n<h4>$40 for a One-Year Event-Access Membership for Two ($79.95 Value)</h4>\n\n<p>A one-year membership provides twosomes with free seats at Los Angeles shows, concerts, and sporting events that have not yet sold out. Tickets can be claimed on a first-come, first-served basis—members simply visit the website to browse available events and, once they've selected an event they'd like to attend, they'll reserve a pair of tickets. Members can expect to find several events available each week, and are welcome to reserve up to two tickets for every posted event. See the <a href="http://www.fillaseatla.com/memrule.php">full list of rules</a> that apply to members.<p></p>",
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            "emailContent": "Which foods taste like an anti-sweet, salty tongue-treat? Click here to find out. ",
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                        "description": "Limit 1 per household, may buy 5 additional as gifts. Must activate by expiration date on Groupon, membership expires 12 months from activation date. Online redemption required. New clients only. Must be 18 or older. Must use promotional value in 1 visit."
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1 に答える 1





html: v.options[0].price.formattedAmount,


于 2013-08-14T18:07:40.977 に答える