
char *BoyerMoore_negative(char *string, int strLength)
    char *data ="nice bad good worst";
    int dataLength = strlen(data) - 1;
    int skipTable[256], i;
    char *search;
    register char lastChar;

    if (strLength == 0)
        return NULL;

    // Initialize skip lookup table
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        skipTable[i] = strLength;   //strlength is numbers of words in sentence

    search = string; //string is array of words in the sentence
    i = --strLength; // Decrease strLength here to make it an index

    do {
        skipTable[*search++] = i; // ---> skiptable is int array and search is string. Then what happens on LHS on each iteration???
    } while (i--);

    lastChar = *--search; // ---> Decreamenting string pointer? What does it mean on RHS?

    do {
        // Have we found the entire string?
        if (i-- == 0)
            return search;
    } while (*--search == string[i]);

    // Skip past the part of the string that we scanned already
    search += (strLength - i + 1);     ---> what happends here?

誰かが ---> ポインタのヒントを与えることができますか? このような質問ができるかどうかはわかりませんが、これらの概念を理解するために質問しました。


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