次の select ステートメントを使用して、トラックがある場所で停止してからの時間を知るためにタイムスタンプを減算します。

 SELECT  f.id, f.imei as imei, f.speed as speed  FROM stops f, stops f2
 where f2.id = f.id-1
 and f.imei = 7466
 and hour(timediff(f2.timestamp,f.timestamp)) * 3600 +   minute(timediff(f2.timestamp,f.timestamp)) * 60 + second(timediff(f2.timestamp,f.timestamp)) > 240 
 and f.speed = 0
 and f2.timestamp >= '2013-08-20 00:00:00' 
 and f2.timestamp <= '2013-08-20 23:59:59'  
 order by f2.timestamp desc


id imei     timestamp               speed
1  7466     2013-08-20 13:19:00     30    
2  7466     2013-08-20 13:20:00     0 
3  7466     2013-08-20 13:24:30     20

そのため、select は、車両 7466 に 4 分間の停止があったことを結果として示します。


id imei     timestamp               speed 
1  7466     2013-08-20 13:19:00     30     
2  7466     2013-08-20 13:20:00     0 
3  7466     2013-08-20 13:21:00     0 
4  7466     2013-08-20 13:22:00     0 
5  7466     2013-08-20 13:24:30     20



3 に答える 3


I believe this is correct (see the SQL Fiddle to test it):

  s1.id AS stopped_row_id, MIN(s2.id) AS departed_row_id, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, s1.timestamp, MIN(s2.timestamp)) AS stopped_seconds
  stops AS s1
  JOIN stops AS s2 ON
    s1.imei = s2.imei
    AND s1.id < s2.id
    AND (s1.timestamp + INTERVAL 4 MINUTE) <= s2.timestamp
  JOIN stops AS s3 ON
    s1.imei = s2.imei
    AND s3.id = s1.id - 1
  LEFT JOIN stops AS s4 ON
    s1.imei = s2.imei
    AND s4.id BETWEEN (s1.id + 1) AND (s2.id - 1)
    AND s4.speed <> 0
  s1.speed = 0
  AND s2.speed <> 0
  AND s3.speed <> 0
  AND s4.id IS NULL
  AND s1.imei = 7466 -- optional; query will also give results for all imei if wanted
  AND s1.timestamp BETWEEN '2013-08-20 00:00:00' AND '2013-08-20 23:59:59' -- optional, query will give results for entire table if wanted

In this query, s1 is the 'main' table.
s2 is joined to provide all rows with higher ids than that of s1 where the timestamp is at least 4 minutes higher than that of s1 (so in essence s2 is all rows indicating pauses long enough that the row from s1 should go into the final result set).
s3 is joined to make sure that the row in s1 is the first row where speed is 0 (for your example where there are sets of rows where speed is 0).
s4 is joined to make sure that there are no non-zero-speed rows between the 'selected' rows from s1 and s2.
The GROUP BY makes sure that we can get the first timestamp in the future where speed is not 0 by using MIN().

Apparently, the rows are not in a strict descending or ascending order (even if the IDs are). I have reworked the query to only use the time as 'sorting mechanism'. Note that this makes the query very slow, and you might be better off by ordering the table or a solution in the style of that of @peterm. Or at least adding an index on id andtimestamp.

  s1.timestamp AS stopped_timestamp, MAX(s2.timestamp) as departed_timestamp, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, s1.timestamp, MAX(s2.timestamp)) AS stopped_seconds
  stops AS s1
  JOIN stops AS s2 ON
    s1.imei = s2.imei
    AND (s1.timestamp + INTERVAL 4 MINUTE) <= s2.timestamp
  JOIN stops AS s3 ON
    s1.imei = s2.imei
  LEFT JOIN stops AS s4 ON
    s1.imei = s2.imei
    AND s4.timestamp BETWEEN (s1.timestamp + INTERVAL 1 SECOND) AND (s2.timestamp - INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
    AND s4.speed <> 0
  s1.speed = 0
  AND s2.speed <> 0
  AND s3.speed <> 0
  AND s4.id IS NULL
  AND s1.imei = 7466 -- optional; query will also give results for all imei if wanted
  AND s1.timestamp BETWEEN '2013-08-20 00:00:00' AND '2013-08-20 23:59:59' -- optional, query will give results for entire table if wanted
  AND s3.timestamp = (SELECT MAX(s5.timestamp) FROM stops AS s5 WHERE s5.timestamp < s1.timestamp)
于 2013-08-20T00:22:31.623 に答える

4 分 (240 秒) 以上停止しているトラックを求めています。SQL クエリの次の行を参照してください。

hour(timediff(f2.timestamp,f.timestamp)) * 3600 + 
minute(timediff(f2.timestamp,f.timestamp)) * 60 + 
second(timediff(f2.timestamp,f.timestamp)) > 240


id imei     timestamp               speed     
1  7466     2013-08-20 13:20:00     0 
2  7466     2013-08-20 13:21:00     0 
3  7466     2013-08-20 13:22:00     0 
2  7466     2013-08-20 13:24:00     20

これらのペアのいずれにおいても、トラックが 4 分 (240 秒) を超えて停止していません。これらのペアは WHERE 条件を満たさないため、選択されません。

于 2013-08-19T23:47:56.380 に答える


SELECT duration / 60 duration
  SELECT id, imei, timestamp, speed, 
         @d := IF(@s = 0 AND speed > 0, 
                  @d := @d + TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, @t, timestamp),
                  @d) duration, 
         @t := IF(@s = 0 AND speed = 0, @t, timestamp),
         @s := speed 
    FROM stops, (SELECT @d := 0, @s := -1, @t = 0) i
   WHERE imei = 7466
     AND timestamp >= '2013-08-20 00:00:00' AND timestamp <= '2013-08-20 23:59:59' 
   ORDER BY timestamp
 ) z
 ORDER BY timestamp DESC


| | 期間 |
| | 4 |


于 2013-08-20T00:12:01.707 に答える