たとえば、ユーザーの攻撃は 4 から 11 までの乱数です。プログラムは 5 を「ロール」し、それを変数 userAtk に割り当てます。
userAtk = random.randint(4,11)
import random
# This variable is the user's character name
userName = input("Brave warrior, what is your name? ")
# This variable is used in the input function to pause the game
enterNext = ("Press enter to continue...")
# This variable is used to format the user input prompt
# as well as the battle text
prompt = ">>>>> "
# This variable is used to add a new line to a string
newLine = "\n"
# This variable is used to display a message when the hero dies
heroDeadmsg = userName + " has fallen!"
# These variables represent the dragon's stats (HP, ATK & DEF)
dragonHp = 100
dragonAtk = random.randint(5,10)
dragonDef = random.randrange(8)
# These variables represent the user's stats (HP, ATK & DEF)
userHp = 90
userAtk = random.randint(4,11)
userDef = random.randrange(8)
# These variables calculate battle damage and HP
dragonDmg = (userAtk - dragonDef)
dragonHp -= dragonDmg
userDmg = (dragonAtk - userDef)
userHp -= userDmg
# This variable prints the options in the battle menu
battleMenu = """Attack (a) - Magic (m) - Item (i) - Run (r)"""
# This variable determines who goes first
cointoss = random.randint(0, 1)
# These variables print the actions in each turn
dragonAttack = \
prompt + "Crimson Dragon attacks you with " + str(dragonAtk) + " ATK!"\
+ newLine + prompt + "You defend with " + str(userDef) + " DEF!"\
+ newLine + prompt
userAttack = \
prompt + "You attacked with " + str(userAtk) + " ATK!"\
+ newLine + prompt + "Crimson Dragon defends with " + str(dragonDef) + " DEF!"\
+ newLine + prompt
userMagic = \
prompt + userName + " tried to use Magic!"\
+ newLine + prompt + userName + " has no magic!"\
+ newLine + prompt
userItem = \
prompt + userName + " tried use an Item!"\
+ newLine + prompt + userName + " has no Items!"\
+ newLine + prompt
userRetreat = \
prompt + userName + " tries to retreat!"\
+ newLine + prompt + "The enemy won't let you escape!"\
+ newLine + prompt
# These variables show health during battle
printDragonhp = "Crismon Dragon has " + str(dragonHp) + " HP remaining!"
printUserhp = userName + " has " + str(userHp) + " HP remaining!"
# This variable simulates the results of a coin toss
coinToss = random.randint(0, 1)
# These conditions determines who attacks first
if coinToss == 0:
currentTurn = "dragon"
elif coinToss == 1:
currentTurn = "user"
print("The Coin Toss Failed!")
while currentTurn:
# Mechanics for the Crimson Dragon's Turn
if currentTurn == "dragon":
# Prints the Crimson Dragon's Attack and ends the turn
print(newLine + prompt + "Crimson Dragon moves!"\
+ newLine + prompt + newLine + dragonAttack\
+ newLine + prompt + userName + " takes " + str(userDmg) + " DMG!"\
+ newLine + prompt + printUserhp)
currentTurn = "user"
# Need to implent a way to reset ATK and DEF
# Mechanics for the User's Turn
if currentTurn == "user":
# Prints the Battle Menu and asks for the User's choice
print(newLine + prompt + battleMenu\
+ newLine + prompt)
userChoice = input(prompt)
# Prints the User's Attack and ends the turn
if userChoice == "a":
if userHp < 1:
input (prompt)
currentTurn = "dragon"
# Prints the User's Magic and ends the turn
elif userChoice == "m":
input (prompt)
currentTurn = "dragon"
# Prints the User's Item and ends the turn
elif userChoice == "i":
input (prompt)
currentTurn = "dragon"
# Prints the User's Retreat and ends the turn
elif userChoice == "r":
input (prompt)
currentTurn = "dragon"
# Prints an error message for invalid entries
print(newLine + prompt + "That is not a valid menu item."\
+ newLine + prompt + "Please try again.")