XML 形式のリモート データ ソースからデータを取得するアプリを開発しています。
次に、アプリは XML をオブジェクトに解析して、データを適切なフィールドに配置できるようにします。
以下は、私のデータの XML ソースです (重要でない部分は省略されています)。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OpenSearchDescription xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">
<opensearch:Query searchTerms="36557"/>
<original_name>Casino Royale</original_name>
<name>Casino Royale</name>
<alternative_name>James Bond - 2006 - Casino Royale</alternative_name>
<overview>James Bond goes on his first ever mission as a 00. Le Chiffre is a banker to the world's terrorists. He is participating in a poker game at Montenegro, where he must win back his money, in order to stay safe among the terrorist market. The boss of MI6, known simply as M sends Bond, along with Vesper Lynd to attend this game and prevent Le Chiffre from winning. Bond, using help from Felix Leiter, Mathis and having Vesper pose as his wife, enters the most important poker game in his already dangerous career. But if Bond defeats Le Chiffre, will he and Vesper Lynd remain safe?</overview>
<tagline>Everyone has a past. Every legend has a beginning.</tagline>
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<language_spoken code="en" name="English" native_name="English"/>
<language_spoken code="fr" name="French" native_name="Français"/>
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<last_modified_at>2013-08-22 00:56:17 UTC</last_modified_at>
public class MovieDetailHandler extends DefaultHandler {
private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
private ArrayList<Movie> movieList;
private Movie movie;
private ArrayList<Image> movieImagesList;
private Image movieImage;
private ArrayList<String> movieCastList;
private String movieCast;
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
if (localName.equals("movies")) {
movieList = new ArrayList<Movie>();
else if (localName.equals("movie")) {
movie = new Movie();
else if (localName.equals("images")) {
movieImagesList = new ArrayList<Image>();
else if (localName.equals("image")) {
movieImage = new Image();
movieImage.type = atts.getValue("type");
movieImage.url = atts.getValue("url");
movieImage.size = atts.getValue("size");
movieImage.width = Integer.parseInt(atts.getValue("width"));
movieImage.height = Integer.parseInt(atts.getValue("height"));
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)throws SAXException {
if (localName.equals("movie")) {
else if (localName.equals("popularity")) { // Get Popularity information
movie.popularity = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("translated")) { // Get Translated information
movie.translated = Boolean.valueOf(buffer.toString());
else if (localName.equals("adult")) { // Get Adult information
movie.adult = Boolean.valueOf(buffer.toString());
else if (localName.equals("language")) { // Get Language information
movie.language = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("original_name")) { // Get Original Name information
movie.originalName = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("name")) { // Get Title information
movie.name = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("type")) { // Get Type information
movie.type = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("id")) { // Get Movie ID information
movie.id = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("imdb_id")) { // Get IMDB ID information
movie.imdbId = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("url")) { // Get TMDB URL information
movie.url = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("votes")) { // Get Votes information
movie.votes = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("overview")) { // Get Overview information
movie.overview = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("rating")) { // Get Rating information
movie.rating = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("released")) { // Get Released Date information
movie.released = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("runtime")) { // Get Runtime information
movie.runtime = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("trailer")) { // Get Trailer information
movie.trailer = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("version")) {
movie.version = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("last_modified_at")) {
movie.lastModifiedAt = buffer.toString();
else if (localName.equals("image")) {
else if (localName.equals("images")) {
movie.imagesList = movieImagesList;
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
buffer.append(ch, start, length);
public ArrayList<Movie> retrieveMovieList() {
return movieList;
else if (localName.equals("budget")) {
movie.trailer = buffer.toString();