Big Trees: 次の質問の解決策を知りたいです: BitsAllocated ファイルが 16bit だった dicom ファイルのピクセルデータを 8bit(byte[]) に変換したいです。グレースケールでもカラーでも構いません。また、Color の SimplePerPixel が 3 であることも知っています。
単純にピクセル データを取得して 8 ビットに変換することはできません (すべての値がバイトでサポートされている範囲内にあることが確実でない限り)。これは、重要なデータを変更するためです。Dicom ファイルはピクセル データを視覚密度単位または Hounsfield 単位で保存する場合があり、値を変更すると問題が発生する可能性があります。
8 ビットへの変換をプレゼンテーション データ、モダリティ VOI/LUT およびプレゼンテーション VOI/LUT 変換の結果の値に適用できます。
imebraライブラリを使用するこの例では、プレゼンテーション データを使用してカラー チャネルあたり 8 ビットの画像を取得し、それを jpeg 形式で保存します。RGB 画像を取得するには、色変換と画像割り当ての両方で、YBR_FULL から RGB に色空間を変更します。
例 (リンクが変更された場合):
Imebra 2011 build 2013-07-16_08-42-08
Imebra: a C++ Dicom library
Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Paolo Brandoli/Binarno s.p.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
If you want to use Imebra commercially then you have to buy the commercial
support available at
After you buy the commercial support then you can use Imebra according
to the terms described in the Imebra Commercial License Version 1.
A copy of the Imebra Commercial License Version 1 is available in the
documentation pages.
Imebra is available at
The author can be contacted by email at or by mail at
the following address:
Paolo Brandoli
Rakuseva 14
1000 Ljubljana
#include <iostream>
#include "../../library/imebra/include/imebra.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <process.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
using namespace puntoexe;
using namespace puntoexe::imebra;
int findArgument(const char* argument, int argc, char* argv[])
for(int scanArg(0); scanArg != argc; ++scanArg)
if(std::string(argv[scanArg]) == argument)
return scanArg;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::wstring version(L"");
std::wcout << L"dicom2jpeg version " << version << std::endl;
if(argc < 3)
std::wcout << L"Usage: dicom2jpeg dicomFileName jpegFileName [-ffmpeg FFMPEGPATH FFMPEGOPT]" << std::endl;
std::wcout << "dicomFileName = name of the dicom file" << std::endl;
std::wcout << "jpegFileName = name of the final jpeg file" << std::endl;
std::wcout << "-ffmpeg FFMPEGPATH = launches FFMPEG after generating the jpeg images." << std::endl;
std::wcout << " FFMPEGPATH is the path to FFMPEG" << std::endl;
std::wcout << " FFMPEGOPT are the options for ffmpeg" << std::endl;
std::wcout << " The input images and the frame rate are added automatically to the options" << std::endl;
return 1;
// Separate the extension from the file name
std::string outputFileName(argv[2]);
std::string extension;
size_t dotPos(outputFileName.rfind('.'));
if(dotPos != outputFileName.npos)
extension = outputFileName.substr(dotPos);
extension = ".jpg";
// Check for the -ffmpeg flag
int ffmpegFlag(findArgument("-ffmpeg", argc, argv));
size_t framesCount(0);
ptr<dataSet> loadedDataSet;
// Open the file containing the dicom dataset
ptr<puntoexe::stream> inputStream(new puntoexe::stream);
inputStream->openFile(argv[1], std::ios_base::in);
// Connect a stream reader to the dicom stream. Several stream reader
// can share the same stream
ptr<puntoexe::streamReader> reader(new streamReader(inputStream));
// Get a codec factory and let it use the right codec to create a dataset
// from the input stream
ptr<codecs::codecFactory> codecsFactory(codecs::codecFactory::getCodecFactory());
loadedDataSet = codecsFactory->load(reader, 2048);
// Get the first image. We use it in case there isn't any presentation VOI/LUT
// and we have to calculate the optimal one
ptr<image> dataSetImage(loadedDataSet->getImage(0));
imbxUint32 width, height;
dataSetImage->getSize(&width, &height);
// Build the transforms chain
ptr<transforms::transformsChain> chain(new transforms::transformsChain);
ptr<transforms::modalityVOILUT> modalityVOILUT(new transforms::modalityVOILUT(loadedDataSet));
ptr<transforms::colorTransforms::colorTransformsFactory> colorFactory(transforms::colorTransforms::colorTransformsFactory::getColorTransformsFactory());
// Convert to MONOCHROME2 if a modality transform is not present
ptr<transforms::colorTransforms::colorTransform> monochromeColorTransform(colorFactory->getTransform(dataSetImage->getColorSpace(), L"MONOCHROME2"));
if(monochromeColorTransform != 0)
ptr<transforms::VOILUT> presentationVOILUT(new transforms::VOILUT(loadedDataSet));
imbxUint32 firstVOILUTID(presentationVOILUT->getVOILUTId(0));
if(firstVOILUTID != 0)
// Run the transform on the first image
ptr<image> temporaryImage = chain->allocateOutputImage(dataSetImage, width, height);
chain->runTransform(dataSetImage, 0, 0, width, height, temporaryImage, 0, 0);
// Now find the optimal VOILUT
presentationVOILUT->applyOptimalVOI(temporaryImage, 0, 0, width, height);
std::wstring initialColorSpace;
initialColorSpace = dataSetImage->getColorSpace();
ptr<image> startImage(chain->allocateOutputImage(dataSetImage, 1, 1));
initialColorSpace = startImage->getColorSpace();
// Color transform to YCrCb
ptr<transforms::colorTransforms::colorTransform> colorTransform(colorFactory->getTransform(initialColorSpace, L"YBR_FULL"));
if(colorTransform != 0)
ptr<image> finalImage(new image);
finalImage->create(width, height, image::depthU8, L"YBR_FULL", 7);
// Scan through the frames
for(imbxUint32 frameNumber(0); ; ++frameNumber)
if(frameNumber != 0)
dataSetImage = loadedDataSet->getImage(frameNumber);
if(chain->isEmpty() && dataSetImage->getDepth() != finalImage->getDepth() && dataSetImage->getHighBit() != finalImage->getHighBit())
chain->addTransform(new transforms::transformHighBit);
chain->runTransform(dataSetImage, 0, 0, width, height, finalImage, 0, 0);
finalImage = dataSetImage;
// Open a stream for the jpeg
const std::wstring jpegTransferSyntax(L"1.2.840.10008.");
std::ostringstream jpegFileName;
jpegFileName << outputFileName;
if(frameNumber != 0 || ffmpegFlag >= 0)
jpegFileName << "_" << frameNumber;
jpegFileName << extension;
ptr<puntoexe::stream> jpegStream(new puntoexe::stream);
jpegStream->openFile(jpegFileName.str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
ptr<puntoexe::streamWriter> jpegWriter(new streamWriter(jpegStream));
ptr<codecs::codec> outputCodec(codecsFactory->getCodec(jpegTransferSyntax));
// Write the jpeg image to the stream
outputCodec->setImage(jpegWriter, finalImage, jpegTransferSyntax, codecs::codec::veryHigh,
"OB", 8, false, false, false, false);
// Ignore this exception. It is thrown when we reach the
// end of the images list
// All the images have been generated.
// Should we launch FFMPEG?
if(ffmpegFlag >= 0 && framesCount != 0)
// List of arguments to be passed to ffmpeg
typedef std::list<std::string> tOptionsList;
tOptionsList options;
// The first argument is the application's name
options.push_back(argv[ffmpegFlag + 1]);
// Calculate the frames per second from the available tags
double framesPerSecond(0);
double frameTime(loadedDataSet->getDouble(0x0018, 0, 0x1063, 0));
if(frameTime > 0.1)
framesPerSecond = 1000 / frameTime;
if(framesPerSecond < 0.1)
framesPerSecond = loadedDataSet->getUnsignedLong(0x0018, 0x0, 0x0040, 0x0);
if(framesPerSecond < 0.1)
framesPerSecond = loadedDataSet->getUnsignedLong(0x0008, 0x0, 0x2144, 0x0);
// Add the ffmpeg argument for the frames per second
if(framesPerSecond > 0.1)
std::ostringstream frameRate;
frameRate << framesPerSecond;
// Add the ffmpeg argument for the input files
options.push_back(outputFileName + "_%d" + extension);
// Add the ffmpeg argument for the number of frames
std::ostringstream frameCount;
frameCount << (unsigned long)framesCount;
// Add the arguments specified when dicom2jpeg was launched
for(int copyArguments(ffmpegFlag + 2); copyArguments < argc; ++copyArguments)
// Build the arguments array
std::auto_ptr<const char*> ffArgv(new const char*[options.size() + 1]);
size_t insertPosition(0);
for(tOptionsList::iterator scanOptions(options.begin()); scanOptions != options.end(); ++scanOptions, ++insertPosition)
ffArgv.get()[insertPosition] = (*scanOptions).c_str();
ffArgv.get()[options.size()] = 0;
// Launch ffmpeg
return (int)_spawnvp(_P_WAIT , argv[ffmpegFlag + 1], ffArgv.get());
char *environment[] = {0};
pid_t process_id;
posix_spawnp (&process_id, argv[ffmpegFlag + 1],
0, 0, (char* const*)ffArgv.get(), (char* const*)environment);
return 0;
std::wcout << exceptionsManager::getMessage();
return 1;