コマンド「sencha app build testing」を使用して、テスト パッケージを展開しています。
テスト ビルドの作成中に次のエラーが発生します。
[WRN] C1000: Yui Compressor Warning (Trailing comma is not legal in an ECMA-262 object initializer => },) -- C:\localdevelopment\apps\pressflow\ne w\pulse\app\app\view\DDEditor.js:2663
[INF] Processing class inheritance graph
[INF] Processing instantiation refereces to classes and aliases
[WRN] C1000: Yui Compressor Warning (Trailing comma is not legal in an
ECMA-262 object initializer => },) -- C:\localdevelopment\apps\pressflow\ne w\pulse\app\app\view\DDEditor.js:2663
[INF] Processing source dependencies
[ERR] Circular requires reference :
...\touch\src\Evented.js ->
ager.js ->
...\touch\src\util\TaskRunner.js ->
...\touch\src\util\Format.js ->
[ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: The following error occurr
ed while executing this line:
[ERR] ...\.sencha\app\bui
ld-impl.xml:137: com.sencha.exceptions.ExScript: Wrapped com.sencha.exceptions.B
asicException: com.sencha.exceptions.ExCircularReference: Circular requires refe
rence for file ...\touch\src\core\s
rc\util\TaskManager.js (x-app-build#273) runAppBuild (x-app-build:273) [anon
ymous] (x-app-build:545) x_app_build (x-app-build:543) <script> (anonymous:1