エリアごとに一意の ID を追加し、そのエリアの mouseenter または mouseover をチェックして、マウスの位置を取得し、ツールチップを再配置します。
<map id="map" name="map"><area id="area1" shape="poly" name="area1" alt="" coords="607,320, 620,321,.......
var xOffset;
var yOffset;
fillOpacity: 0.2,
fillColor: "FFFFFF",
stroke: true,
strokeColor: "ffcb0b",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWidth: 6,
singleSelect: true,
mapKey: 'name',
listKey: 'name',
showToolTip: true,
onClick: function (e) {
toolTipClose: ["area-click", "area-mouseout"],
staticState: true,
onShowToolTip: function (e) {
var key_name = e.key;
//here we call that unique ID for mouseenter or mouseover
$("#"+key_name).on("mouseenter", function (data) {
xOffset = data.pageX;
yOffset = data.pageY;
console.log("xOffset " + xOffset + " & " + "yOffset " + yOffset);
//tooltip class name already is given by imageMapster and we change to new position
$(".mapster_tooltip").css("left", xOffset + 10);
$(".mapster_tooltip").css("top", yOffset);