string sqlStatement = "SELECT date as 'Date',name as 'Name',gender as 'Gender',
age as 'Age',addr as 'Address',perAddr as 'Permanent Address',
pno as 'Phone No',altName as 'Alternate Contact Person',
altPno as 'Alternate Person Pno',fever as 'Duration Of Fever',
locType as 'Location Type',patType as 'Patient Type',
radTreat as 'Radical Treatment Given?', followup as 'Treatment Status',
taluk as 'Taluk',phc as 'PHC',malType as 'Malaria Type',
death as 'Death Status' FROM patients
WHERE (**date=Session['selDate'] and name=Session['selName']**)";
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, connection);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();