table book:
BookCode| AuthorShortN |Title
101 | Anton B | THe Book of Leaves
102 | JJ. Abram | Wish Upon A Star
103 | Anonymous | Secret of Universe
104 | Anton B | The Sentinel
table author:
AuthorID|AuthorFullName |Nationality
A01 | Anton Balwin | USA
J02 | Johannes J Abram| UK
table bookauthor:
101 | A01
102 | J02
103 | X01
104 | A01
このような構造のテーブルが 3 つあります。そして、結果が次のようになるようなクエリが必要です。
select *
from book tb , author ta, bookauthor tba
where tb.BookCode = tba.BookCode and tba.AuthorID = ta.AuthorID
row 103 | Anonymous | Secret of Universe
Author がテーブル author にないため、表示されません。
BookCode| Title | AuthorID | AuthorShortN
101 | THe Book of Leaves|A01 | Anton Balwin
102 | Wish Upon A Star |J02 | Johannes J Abram
103 | Secret of Universe|NULL | Anonymous
104 | The Sentinel |A01 | Anton Balwin