以下の productPrice を $7.99 などと表示するにはどうすればよいですか? 私は見つけることができるすべてを試しました。db テーブルで少額です。ありがとう。
Protected Sub printMenuBlock(ByVal productName As String) '製品を格納する変数を設定し、データベースからプルします Dim product = ReadProduct(productName)
'Add necessary markup to str variable, with products information within
For i As Integer = 0 To product.Count - 1
str += "<div class='menuItem'>"
'str += " <img alt='Item Picture' class='itemPicture' src='" + product(i).ImagePath.Substring(3).Replace("\", "/") + "' />"
str += " <div class='itemInfo'>"
str += " <h1 class='itemName'>"
str += " " + product(i).Item("ProductName") + "</h1>"
'str += " <h3 class='itemDescription'>"
str += " " + product(i).Item("ProductDescription")
str += " <h1 class ='itemPrice'>"
str += " " + String.Format("{0:C}", product(i).Item("ProductPrice")) + "</h1>"
str += " "
str += " </div>"
str += " </div>"
Public Class Interaction ' Sql コマンド オブジェクトの新しいインスタンス Private cmdSelect As New SqlCommand ' Connection クラスのインスタンス Private conIn As New Connection
' Set up the SQL statement for finding a Product by ProductCat
Private Sub GetProduct(ByVal CatIn As String)
' SQL String
Dim strSelect As String
strSelect = "SELECT * "
strSelect &= " FROM Menu "
'strSelect &= " WHERE ProductCat = @CatIn"
strSelect &= "ORDER BY 'ProductCat'"
' Set up the connection to the datebase
cmdSelect.Connection = conIn.Connect
' Add the SQL string to the connection
cmdSelect.CommandText = strSelect
' Add the parameters to the connection
cmdSelect.Parameters.Add("@CatIn", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = CatIn
End Sub
'Function to create list of rows and columns
Public Function ReadProduct(ByVal CatIn As String) As List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))
'Declare variable to hold list
Dim ReturnProducts As New List(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))
Call GetProduct(CatIn)
Dim dbr As SqlDataReader
' Execute the created SQL command from GetProduct and set to the SqlDataReader object
dbr = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader
'Get number of columns in current row
Dim FieldCount = dbr.FieldCount()
Dim ColumnList As New List(Of String)
'Loop through all columns and add to list
For i As Integer = 0 To FieldCount - 1
While dbr.Read()
'Declare variable to hold list
Dim ReturnProduct As New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
'Loop through all rows and add to list
For i As Integer = 0 To FieldCount - 1
ReturnProduct.Add(ColumnList(i), dbr.GetValue(i).ToString())
'Add to final list
End While
'Close connection
Catch ex As SqlException
Dim strOut As String
strOut = ex.Message
End Try
' Return the Product object
Return ReturnProducts
End Function