メソッドをオーバーライドする場合、Java は動的バインディングに従います。しかし、子オブジェクトを参照している親参照変数から子のみのメソッドを呼び出すと、コンパイル エラーが発生します。
java がこの設計に従うのはなぜですか (つまり、2 番目のケースで動的バインディングがないのはなぜですか)。
class A{
public void sayHi(){ "Hi from A"; }
class B extends A{
public void sayHi(){ "Hi from B";
public void sayGoodBye(){ "Bye from B"; }
A a = new B();
//Works because the sayHi() method is declared in A and overridden in B. In this case
//the B version will execute, but it can be called even if the variable is declared to
//be type 'A' because sayHi() is part of type A's API and all subTypes will have
//that method
//Compile error because 'a' is declared to be of type 'A' which doesn't have the
//sayGoodBye method as part of its API
// Works as long as the object pointed to by the a variable is an instanceof B. This is
// because the cast explicitly tells the compiler it is a 'B' instance