CREATE TABLE #im ( SId int, Reporting_Year_Id int );
INSERT #im (SId, Reporting_Year_Id) VALUES (1,2011)
INSERT #im (SId, Reporting_Year_Id) VALUES (2,2011)
INSERT #im (SId, Reporting_Year_Id) VALUES (3,2011)
CREATE TABLE #im1 ( SID int, PID int, Release int, Legal int, Seq int);
INSERT #im1 (SID, PID, Release, Legal, Seq) VALUES (1,10005,1,18,1) --Trans_Type should be 'A'
INSERT #im1 (SID, PID, Release, Legal, Seq) VALUES (1,10005,1,10,1) --Trans_Type should be 'C'
INSERT #im1 (SID, PID, Release, Legal, Seq) VALUES (2,10005,1,18,1) --Trans_Type should be ' '
INSERT #im1 (SID, PID, Release, Legal, Seq) VALUES (3,10006,1,20,1) --Trans_Type should be 'A'
declare @iCurrentFileId int
set @iCurrentFileId = 2;
WITH current_file as
select * from #im1 where SID = @iCurrentFileId
, previous_file as
select * from #im1 where SID = @iCurrentFileId -1
select c.SID, c.PID,c.Legal,c.Release,c.Seq,p.SID,
case when p.SID IS null then 'A'
else 'C' end as 'transaction_type'
from current_file c left outer join previous_file p on p.PID = c.PID and c.Seq = p.Seq
transaction_Type を次のように設定する必要があります。
SID を除くすべてのレコードが前の SID に存在しない場合は「A」
SID を除くすべてのレコードが以前の SID と異なる場合は「C」
' ' SID を除くすべてのレコードが同じ場合