- Measure (collection)
- Measure (model)
- beats (c)
- beat (m)
- on/off (attribute)
- representations (c)
- representation (m)
- currentType (attribute)
- previousType (a)
表現モデルはトランジション関数を介して呼び出されており、コンソールの出力で変更に気づきましたが、ビューは変更をまったく登録していません。クリック イベントにアクセスできるので、ビューel
が正しいことがわかります。ビューで listenTo が機能しないのはなぜですか?
], function(_, Backbone) {
var RepresentationModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(options){
this.representationType = options.representationType;
this.previousRepresentationType = undefined;
transition: function(newRep){
this.previousRepresentationType = this.representationType;
this.representationType = newRep;
console.error('model change : ' + this.previousRepresentationType + ' ' + this.representationType);
return RepresentationModel;
define([…], function(…){
return Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(options){
if (options) {
for (var key in options) {
this[key] = options[key];
//Dispatch listeners
//this was the old way, so I changed to the new listenTo to take advantage of when the view is destroyed.
//this.model.bind('change', _.bind(this.transition, this));
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', _.bind(this.transition, this));
render: function(){
// compile the template for a representation
var measureRepTemplateParamaters = {…};
var compiledTemplate = _.template( MeasureRepTemplate, measureRepTemplateParamaters );
// put in the rendered template in the measure-rep-container of the measure
$(this.repContainerEl).append( compiledTemplate );
// for each beat in this measure
_.each(this.parentMeasureModel.get('beats').models, function(beat, index) {
measurePassingToBeatViewParamaters = {…};
new BeatView(measurePassingToBeatViewParamaters);
}, this);
return this;
transition: function(){
console.warn('getting in here'); //NEVER GET HERE
console.log(this.model.get('previousRepresentationType') + '|' + this.model.get('representationType'));