I'm using SQL Server 2012, I want to add an auto-increment to my primary key I don't know the exact syntax so i tried this but it obviously won't work !
Help please !!!
ALTER TABLE dbo.Equipe alter numero_equipe add IDENTITY(9999,1)
I'm using SQL Server 2012, I want to add an auto-increment to my primary key I don't know the exact syntax so i tried this but it obviously won't work !
Help please !!!
ALTER TABLE dbo.Equipe alter numero_equipe add IDENTITY(9999,1)
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次を使用して、テーブル データに触れずに操作を実行できます。 -既存のテーブル.aspx
機能要求の接続項目が存在します: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/800127/allow-for-changes-to-the-identity-property-with-simple-syntax-and-metadata・運用ライクな性能(投票お願いします)。