テーブル res_groups_users_rel:

    uid | gid
    4      3
    4      12
    4      9

テーブル res_groups:

    id | name           | comment
     3   Employee         All the Employees 
     9   Contact          Creation of Contact
     12  Manager          This is MyModule


def _get_user_group(self, cr, uid, context=None):
actual_id = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid).id

query_A = 'SELECT gid FROM res_groups_users_rel WHERE uid = %s'
cr.execute(query_A, (actual_id,))
query_A_results = cr.fetchall()

if query_A_results:
    for gid in query_A_results:

        query_B = 'SELECT name, comment FROM res_groups WHERE id = %s'
        cr.execute(query_B, (gid[0],))
        query_B_results = cr.fetchall()

        if query_B_results:
            for names in query_B_results:
                s = names[1]
                if "MyModule" in s:
                    return names[0]


TypeError: タイプ 'NoneType' の引数は反復可能ではありません


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