
Doctrine を使用してデータベースからエンティティを生成しますが、Doctrine は複合外部キーを主キーとしてサポートしていません。

It is not possible to map entity 'XXXXX' with a composite primary key as part of the primary key of another entity 'YYYYYY#id_xxxxx'

誰かがこの状況の解決策を知っていますか? それは Doctrine ソリューションまたは編集モデルとデータベース構造です。

更新 1

CREATE TABLE `amandman` (
  `iddokumenta` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `datumdostavljanjaskupstini` date NOT NULL,
  `tekst` text,
  `datumizmene` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `izmenjenitekst` text,
  `iddokumentapredlogazakona` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `datumdostavljanjaskupstinipredlogazakona` date DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`iddokumenta`,`datumdostavljanjaskupstini`),
  KEY `iddokumentapredlogazakona_idx`           (`iddokumentapredlogazakona`,`datumdostavljanjaskupstinipredlogazakona`),
  CONSTRAINT `iddokumenta45` FOREIGN KEY (`iddokumenta`, `datumdostavljanjaskupstini`)     REFERENCES `dokument` (`iddokument`, `datumdostavljanjaskupstini`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON     UPDATE CASCADE,
 CONSTRAINT `iddokumentapredlogazakona` FOREIGN KEY (`iddokumentapredlogazakona`, `datumdostavljanjaskupstinipredlogazakona`) REFERENCES `predlogzakona` (`iddokumenta`, `datumdostavljanjaskupstini`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE) 

これは、Doctrine で生成できないデータベースのエンティティの 1 つです。


1 に答える 1


You are running into this problem because your composite foreign key is another table's composite primary key. This is not a good development practice, which is why it is simply not supported by Doctrine, and I strongly doubt that it ever will be.

Solution 1 (preferred):

Add a single, auto-increment primary key to EstablecimientosSec. You can then link to that EstablecimientosSec.id instead.

Solution 2:

If changing the database structure is absolutely not possible, do not map the relationship. Instead, you can fetch the related EstablecimientosSec entities in a separate query using the composite primary key. It's not a prefect solution, but it works under these constraints. Tip: avoid querying the related objects as part of a loop.

于 2015-04-08T21:31:11.067 に答える