$fileName = date('YmdHis').rand('0000','999999')."output.xml";
xmlGenerater($pimcoArr ,$fileName);
xmlGenerater($pimcoArr ,$fileName);
function xmlGenerater($data ,$fileName){
$writer = new XMLWriter();
//lets store our XML into the memory so we can output it later
//lets also set the indent so its a very clean and formatted XML
//now we need to define our Indent string,which is basically how many blank spaces we want to have for the indent
$writer->setIndentString(" ");
//Lets start our document,setting the version of the XML and also the encoding we gonna use
//XMLWriter->startDocument($string version, $string encoding);
$writer->startDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
//lets start our main element,lets call it “ersvpresponse”
$loop = 1;
foreach($data as $dataRow){
$pimco_id = $dataRow['pimco_id'];
$event_id = $dataRow['event_id'];
$contact_id = $dataRow['contact_id'];
$status = $dataRow['status'];
$dateTime = date('Y-m-d');
//now we create pimcoeventid node
//now we create pimcocontactid node
//now we create pimcocontactid node
//Now lets close our main element
//close our document
/*Lets output what we have so far,first we need to set a header so we can display the XML in the
browser,otherwise you will need to look at the source output. */
header('Content-type: text/xml');
//lets then echo our XML;
//echo $writer->outputMemory();
/* that is enough to display our dynamic XML in the browser,now if you wanna create a XML file we need to do this */
$filename = "exportFiles/$fileName";
//lets output the memory to our file variable,and we gonna put that variable inside the file we gonna create
$file = $writer->outputMemory();
//lets create our file