すべてのユーザーのデスクトップ アイコンを削除してクリーン バージョンに置き換える VBScript がありますが、何らかの理由で削除されません。



'* Logon Script File For Users in the DD Domain     *
'* Purpose: Ensure required icons are on desktop    *

Option Explicit

Dim objFSO                  ' A File System object (for checking files/folders exist, copying, and deleting)
Dim objShell                ' A shell object (for accessing special folders)
Dim user_name               ' The user name of the currently logged in user
Dim i                       ' Dummy for looping

'* Create the required desktop icons                *

' Set the desktop folder location
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
desktop_location = objShell.SpecialFolders.Item("Desktop")

' Set the location where the files to copy can be found
desktop_icon_store = "\\videss\Shortcuts\Desktop\"

'Check that the users desktop location exists
If (objFSO.FolderExists(desktop_location)) Then

    ' Delete all files in the desktop folder
    objFSO.DeleteFile(desktop_location & "*.*")

    ' Copy all files to the desktop folder
    objFSO.CopyFile desktop_icon_store & "*.*", desktop_location, True

End IF

'* Reset the objects and exit                       *

Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing


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