作業コピーを作成したゲーム・オブ・ライフ・プログラムを作成していますが、コードを変更してそれを実行しようとすると、ユーザーがグリッドの x と y (行と列) を入力できるようにするのに問題があります。エラーが多い。また、ヒープを使用して使用を開始しようとしていますが、運がありませんmalloc()
以下のコードは、実際に機能するハード コード ソリューションです。(テストデータとユーザー入力部分もコメントアウトしました)。与えられた助けを前もって感謝します。
#include <stdio.h>
#define HEIGHT 12
#define WIDTH 12
#define LIFE_YES 'X'
#define LIFE_NO 'O'
typedef int TableType[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
void printTable(TableType table) {
int height, width;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
if (table[height][width] == LIFE_YES) {
else {
void clearTable(TableType table) {
int height, width;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
table[height][width] = LIFE_NO;
void askUser(TableType tableA) {
int i;
int n;
int height, width;
printf("Enter the amount of initial organisms: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("Enter dimensions (x y) where organism %d will live: ", i + 1);
scanf("%d %d", &height, &width);
tableA[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
printf("Generation 0");
int getNeighborValue(TableType table, int row, int col) {
if (row < 0 || row >= HEIGHT || col < 0 || col >= WIDTH || table[row][col] != LIFE_YES ) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
int getNeighborCount(TableType table, int row, int col) {
int neighbor = 0;
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row - 1, col - 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row - 1, col);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row - 1, col + 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row, col - 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row, col + 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row + 1, col - 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row + 1, col);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row + 1, col + 1);
return neighbor;
void calculate(TableType tableA) {
TableType tableB;
int neighbor, height, width;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
neighbor = getNeighborCount(tableA, height, width);
if (neighbor==3) {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
else if (neighbor == 2 && tableA[height][width] == LIFE_YES) {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
else {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_NO;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
tableA[height][width] = tableB[height][width];
/* test data
void loadTestData(TableType table) {
table[3][4] = LIFE_YES;
table[3][5] = LIFE_YES;
table[3][6] = LIFE_YES;
table[10][4] = LIFE_YES;
table[10][5] = LIFE_YES;
table[10][6] = LIFE_YES;
table[11][6] = LIFE_YES;
table[12][5] = LIFE_YES;
int main(void) {
TableType table;
char end;
int generation = 0;
while (end != 'q') {
printf("Generation %d\n", ++generation);
printf("Press q to quit or 1 to continue: ");
scanf(" %c", &end);
return 0;
テスト データの最初のインスタンスの出力: [3][4]、[3][5]、[3][6] の X。
#include <stdio.h>
#define LIFE_YES 'X'
#define LIFE_NO 'O'
extern int HEIGHT, WIDTH;
typedef int **TableType;
void printTable(TableType table) {
int height, width;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
if (table[height][width] == LIFE_YES) {
else {
void clearTable(TableType table) {
int height, width;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
table[height][width] = LIFE_NO;
void askUser(TableType tableA) {
int i;
int n;
int height, width;
printf("Enter the amount of initial organisms: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("Enter dimensions (x y) where organism %d will live: ", i + 1);
scanf("%d %d", &height, &width);
tableA[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
printf("Generation 0");
int getNeighborValue(TableType table, int row, int col) {
if (row < 0 || row >= HEIGHT || col < 0 || col >= WIDTH || table[row][col] != LIFE_YES ) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
int getNeighborCount(TableType table, int row, int col) {
int neighbor = 0;
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row - 1, col - 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row - 1, col);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row - 1, col + 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row, col - 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row, col + 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row + 1, col - 1);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row + 1, col);
neighbor += getNeighborValue(table, row + 1, col + 1);
return neighbor;
void calculate(TableType tableA) {
TableType tableB;
int neighbor, height, width;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
neighbor = getNeighborCount(tableA, height, width);
if (neighbor==3) {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
else if (neighbor == 2 && tableA[height][width] == LIFE_YES) {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
else {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_NO;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
tableA[height][width] = tableB[height][width];
/* test data
void loadTestData(TableType table) {
table[3][4] = LIFE_YES;
table[3][5] = LIFE_YES;
table[3][6] = LIFE_YES;
table[10][4] = LIFE_YES;
table[10][5] = LIFE_YES;
table[10][6] = LIFE_YES;
table[11][6] = LIFE_YES;
table[12][5] = LIFE_YES;
int main(void) {
char end;
int generation = 0;
printf("Enter the amount of rows and columns you want in the grid: ");
scanf("%i%i\n" &HEIGHT, &WIDTH);
TableType table = malloc(HEIGHT * sizeof(int*));
for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
table[i] = malloc(WIDTH * sizeof(int));
while (end != 'q') {
printf("Generation %d\n", ++generation);
printf("Press q to quit or 1 to continue: ");
scanf(" %c", &end);
return 0;
void calculate(TableType tableA) {
TableType tableB;
int neighbor, height, width, i;
**tableB= malloc(HEIGHT * sizeof(int*));
for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
tableB[i] = malloc(WIDTH * sizeof(int));
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
neighbor = getNeighborCount(tableA, height, width);
if (neighbor==3) {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
else if (neighbor == 2 && tableA[height][width] == LIFE_YES) {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_YES;
else {
tableB[height][width] = LIFE_NO;
for (height = 0; height < HEIGHT; height++) {
for (width = 0; width < WIDTH; width++) {
tableA[height][width] = tableB[height][width];