複数のジョブを qsub に送信するスクリプトを Python で作成していますが、ユーザーに通知してジョブのローカル環境を実行する必要があるよりも多くのジョブがキューに入っているか、qsub の負荷が高い場合は、qsub の負荷を判断する必要があります。コマンド ページを確認しましたが、有用な情報を取得できませんでした。
qstat [options]
[-ext] view additional attributes
[-explain a|c|A|E] show reason for c(onfiguration ambiguous), a(larm), suspend A(larm), E(rror) state
[-f] full output
[-fjc] full output grouped according to job class instances
[-F [resource_attributes]] full output and show (selected) resources of queue(s)
[-g {c}] display cluster queue summary
[-g {d}] display all job-array tasks (do not group)
[-g {t}] display all parallel job tasks (do not group)
[-help] print this help
[-j job_identifier_list ] show scheduler job information
[-l resource_list] request the given resources
[-ne] hide empty queues
[-ncb] suppress additional binding specific parameters
[-pe pe_list] select only queues with one of these parallel environments
[-nenv] do not request job environment
[-njd] do not show details about foreign jobs
[-q wc_queue_list] print information on given queue
[-qs {a|c|d|o|s|u|A|C|D|E|S}] selects queues, which are in the given state(s)
[-r] show requested resources of job(s)
[-s {p|r|s|z|hu|ho|hs|hd|hj|ha|h|a}] show pending, running, suspended, zombie jobs