以下のクラスは、スキャンされた用紙の黒/灰色のエッジを検出し、そのようなエッジを含む用紙のエッジの x 座標と y 座標を、右端 (reverse = true) または右端から開始して返します。下端から (reverse = true) または上端から (reverse = false) または左端から (reverse = false)。また...プログラムは、ピクセル単位で測定された垂直方向のエッジに沿った範囲 (rangex) と、ピクセル単位で測定された水平方向の範囲 (rangey) を取得します。範囲は、受け取ったポイントの外れ値を決定します。
プログラムは、指定された配列を使用して 4 つの垂直方向のカットと、4 つの水平方向のカットを行います。黒い点の値を取得します。範囲を使用して外れ値を排除します。場合によっては、用紙上の小さなスポットが外れ値になることがあります。範囲が狭いほど、外れ値が少なくなります。ただし、エッジがわずかに傾いている場合があるため、範囲を小さくしすぎないようにします。
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.awt.Point;
public class EdgeDetection {
public App ap;
public int[] horizontalCuts = {120, 220, 320, 420};
public int[] verticalCuts = {300, 350, 375, 400};
public void printEdgesTest(BufferedImage image, boolean reversex, boolean reversey, int rangex, int rangey){
int[] mx = horizontalCuts;
int[] my = verticalCuts;
//you are getting edge points here
//the "true" parameter indicates that it performs a cut starting at 0. (left edge)
int[] xEdges = getEdges(image, mx, reversex, true);
int edgex = getEdge(xEdges, rangex);
for(int x = 0; x < xEdges.length; x++){
System.out.println("EDGE = " + xEdges[x]);
System.out.println("THE EDGE = " + edgex);
//the "false" parameter indicates you are doing your cut starting at the end (image.getHeight)
//and ending at 0
//if the parameter was true, it would mean it would start the cuts at y = 0
int[] yEdges = getEdges(image, my, reversey, false);
int edgey = getEdge(yEdges, rangey);
for(int y = 0; y < yEdges.length; y++){
System.out.println("EDGE = " + yEdges[y]);
System.out.println("THE EDGE = " + edgey);
//This function takes an array of coordinates...detects outliers,
//and computes the average of non-outlier points.
public int getEdge(int[] edges, int range){
ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
boolean[] passes = new boolean[edges.length];
int[][] differences = new int[edges.length][edges.length-1];
for(int n = 0; n<edges.length; n++){
for(int m = 0; m<edges.length; m++){
if(m < n){
differences[n][m] = edges[n] - edges[m];
}else if(m > n){
differences[n][m-1] = edges[n] - edges[m];
//This array determines which points are outliers or nots (fall within range of other points)
for(int n = 0; n<edges.length; n++){
passes[n] = false;
for(int m = 0; m<edges.length-1; m++){
if(Math.abs(differences[n][m]) < range){
passes[n] = true;
System.out.println("EDGECHECK = TRUE" + n);
//Create a new array only using valid points
for(int i = 0; i<edges.length; i++){
//Calculate the rounded mean... This will be the x/y coordinate of the edge
//Whether they are x or y values depends on the "reverse" variable used to calculate the edges array
int divisor = result.size();
int addend = 0;
double mean = 0;
for(Integer i : result){
addend += i;
mean = (double)addend/(double)divisor;
//returns the mean of the valid points: this is the x or y coordinate of your calculated edge.
if(mean - (int)mean >= .5){
System.out.println("MEAN " + mean);
return (int)mean+1;
System.out.println("MEAN " + mean);
return (int)mean;
//this function computes "dark" points, which include light gray, to detect edges.
//reverse - when true, starts counting from x = 0 or y = 0, and ends at image.getWidth or image.getHeight()
//verticalEdge - determines whether you want to detect a vertical edge, or a horizontal edge
//arr[] - determines the coordinates of the vertical or horizontal cuts you will do
//set the arr[] array according to the graphical layout of your scanned image
//image - this is the image you want to detect black/white edges of
public int[] getEdges(BufferedImage image, int[] arr, boolean reverse, boolean verticalEdge){
int red = 255;
int green = 255;
int blue = 255;
int[] result = new int[arr.length];
for(int n = 0; n<arr.length; n++){
for(int m = reverse ? (verticalEdge ? image.getWidth():image.getHeight())-1:0; reverse ? m>=0:m<(verticalEdge ? image.getWidth():image.getHeight());){
Color c = new Color(image.getRGB(verticalEdge ? m:arr[n], verticalEdge ? arr[n]:m));
red = c.getRed();
green = c.getGreen();
blue = c.getBlue();
//determine if the point is considered "dark" or not.
//modify the range if you want to only include really dark spots.
//occasionally, though, the edge might be blurred out, and light gray helps
if(red<239 && green<239 && blue<239){
result[n] = m;
//count forwards or backwards depending on reverse variable
return result;