いくつかの s (3+ ng-repeat
s 未満) を条件付きで表示し、カウンター変数 which をインクリメントしようとしています。カウンターは、div の可視性を決定する条件に貢献します。
次のようなことng-show='foo++ < SOME_LIMIT'
Error: Syntax Error: Token 'undefined' not a primary expression at column NaN of the expression [moveItem.type != 'account' && team.rowCount++] starting at [moveItem.type != 'account' && team.rowCount++].
Error: Syntax Error: Token '2' is an unexpected token at column 42 of the expression [team.expandAccounts || team.rowCount++ < 2] starting at [2]
<div ng-repeat='request in pagedRequests'
<tr ng-repeat='(fooId, foo) in returnFoos(request)'>
<td ng-init='foo.rowCount = 0'>
<!--Here is just an icon shown when the rowCount reaches some limit, say 3.
Uses ng-switch on foo.rowCount. Skipping this as this doesn't seem
problematic. This toggles rows' collapsing using foo.expandRows.-->
<div ng-repeat='bar in foo.bars'
ng-show='foo.rowCount < 3 || foo.expandRows'>
<span ng-show='bar.type=="multiRowBar"'
ng-repeat='row in bar.rows'>
<span ng-show="foo.expandRows || foo.rowCount++ < 3"> <!--SYNTAX ERROR!-->
<!--Showing the nested objects with more ng-repeats.-->
<span ng-show='bar.type!="multiRowBar" && foo.rowCount++<3'> <!--SYNTAX ERROR!-->
<!-- This adds a single row per bar of this type.-->
角度式内でポスト/プリインクリメント/デクリメント演算子( など)を使用できないということですか?