
次のコードはすべてを表示します。デフォルトのコンストラクターで表示できます。残念ながら、従業員 ID 番号と支払いの結果が表示されません。コードを書いたときにエラーは発生しませんでした。したがって、私にはまったくわかりません。

//class for FullTimeEmployee
namespace EmPloyee
public class FullTimeEmployee  //object
    private string FEmployeeFName, FEmployeeLName;
    private double FEmployeeID;
    private double FEmployeeWorkHour;
    private const double FEmployeePayRate = 20.00;
    private double GrossPay, RegPay, OTPay;

    //No Args Constructor, Default Constructor
    public FullTimeEmployee()
        FEmployeeFName = "Arthur";
        FEmployeeLName = "Chen";
        FEmployeeID = 1000;
        FEmployeeWorkHour = 60;
        RegPay = calcRegPay();
        OTPay = CalOTPay();


    public FullTimeEmployee(string FFName, string FLName, double FID, double FHours)
        FEmployeeFName = FFName;
        FEmployeeLName = FLName;
        FID = FEmployeeID;
        FEmployeeWorkHour = FHours;
        //FEmployeePayRate = FPRate;


    //Accessor Methods

    //get name
    public string GetFName()
        return FEmployeeFName + " " + FEmployeeLName; 

    //get ID
    public double getID()
        return FEmployeeID;

    //get Payrate
    public double getPayRate()
        return FEmployeePayRate;

    //get hours
    public double getHours()
        return FEmployeeWorkHour;

    //******Calculate GrossPay**********

    //Calculate RegularPay
    private double calcRegPay()
        double RegPay;
        if (FEmployeeWorkHour >= 0 && FEmployeeWorkHour <= 38)
            RegPay = FEmployeeWorkHour * FEmployeePayRate;
            RegPay = 38 * FEmployeePayRate;

        return RegPay;

    //get Regular Pay
    public double getRegPay()
        return RegPay;

    //calculate OverTime Pay
    private double CalOTPay()
        double OTPay;
        if (FEmployeeWorkHour >= 0 && FEmployeeWorkHour <= 38)
            OTPay = 0;
            OTPay = (FEmployeeWorkHour - 38) * FEmployeePayRate * 1.5;

        return OTPay;

    //get OTPay
    public double getOTPay()
        return OTPay;

    //get Gross Pay
    public double getGrossPay()
        return GrossPay = RegPay + OTPay;

} //end FullTimeEployee Class

} //end Name Space

//Employee Driver 
namespace EmPloyee
class EmployeeDriver
    static void Main(string[] args)
        char Response;
        Response = 'X';

          String Question= "Select F or f if you want to Create a Full Time Employee\n"
            + "Or P or p to create a Part-Time Employee";
        String inputS =Console.ReadLine();


        switch (Response) 
            case 'F': case 'f':

            case 'P': case 'p':
          //      CreatePartTime();

        } //end Switch
        Console.WriteLine("Hit Any Key to Exit");

    } //end main

    public static void CreateFullTime()
    {    //get output for default constructor
        FullTimeEmployee myFT;

        myFT = new FullTimeEmployee();

        //outputing with formatted strings
        Console.WriteLine("Full Time Employee's First Name: " + myFT.GetFName());
        Console.WriteLine("Full Time Employee's ID: " + myFT.getID());
        Console.WriteLine("Full Time Employee's Hour: " + myFT.getHours().ToString("n2"));
        Console.WriteLine("Full Time Employee's PayRate: " + myFT.getPayRate().ToString("C2"));
        Console.WriteLine("Full Time Employee's Regular Pay: " + myFT.getRegPay().ToString("C2"));
        Console.WriteLine("Full Time Employee's Over Time Pay: " + myFT.getOTPay().ToString("C2"));
        Console.WriteLine("Full Time Employee's Net Pay: " + myFT.getGrossPay().ToString("C2"));

        //some temporary variables
        string LN = " ", FN = " ";
        double FId = -8888;
        double FHrs = -10;
        // bool checkFN=false;
        bool CheckID = false;
        bool CheckHour = false;

        Console.WriteLine("Enter Your First Name");
        FN = Console.ReadLine();

        //do  //get information for first name
        //    try
        //    {
        //        FN = Console.ReadLine();

        //    }
        //    catch (FormatException fmte)
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine(fmte.Message);
        //        // flag = true;

        //    }
        //    if (FN = " ")
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine("Please Enter a Valid Name");
        //        // flag = true;
        //    }
        //} while (FN = " ");

        Console.WriteLine("Enter Your Last Name");

        LN = Console.ReadLine();

        //input the correct ID number
        //Console.WriteLine("Enter Your ID Number");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Your ID Number");
                string inputid = Console.ReadLine();
                FId = double.Parse(inputid);

                //  FId = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            catch (FormatException fmte)

            if (FId >= 1001 && FId <= 9999)
                CheckID = true;

                Console.WriteLine("ID Number Must Be 4 Digit Number "
                + "and greater than 1000");
        } while (!CheckID);

        //Enter workhous

                Console.WriteLine("Enter Hours");
                string inputhr = Console.ReadLine();

                FHrs = double.Parse(inputhr);
            catch (FormatException fmte)
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                      + "It is NOT a Legic Number!!" + fmte.Message);

            if (FHrs > 0 && FHrs <= 65)
                CheckHour = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter a Positive Number\n"
                + "And the maxmium number is 65!!!");

        } while (!CheckHour);

        FullTimeEmployee YrFT;
        YrFT = new FullTimeEmployee(FN, LN, FId, FHrs);

        Console.WriteLine("FT Employee's Name: " + YrFT.GetFName());
        Console.WriteLine("FT Employee's ID: " + YrFT.getID());
        Console.WriteLine("FT Employee's Hours: " + YrFT.getHours().ToString("n2"));
        Console.WriteLine("FT Employee's Pay Rate: " + YrFT.getPayRate().ToString("c2"));
        Console.WriteLine("FT Employee's Regular Pay: " + YrFT.getRegPay().ToString("C2"));
        Console.WriteLine("FT Employee's Over Time Pay: " + YrFT.getOTPay().ToString("C2"));
        Console.WriteLine("FT Employee's Net Pay: " + YrFT.getGrossPay().ToString("c2"));


2 に答える 2



    public FullTimeEmployee(string FFName, string FLName, double FID, double FHours)
        FEmployeeFName = FFName;
        FEmployeeLName = FLName;
        FEmployeeID = FID; // This was backwards in your code.
        FEmployeeWorkHour = FHours;
        RegPay = calcRegPay(); // You need this line and the next one...
        OTPay = CalOTPay(); // to trigger your payment calculations.
于 2013-09-22T02:21:29.343 に答える

引数付きのコンストラクターでは、支払い率がコメントアウトされています。引数のないコンストラクターでは、支払い率が計算されますが、代わりに 4 つの引数のコンストラクターが呼び出されているため、このコンストラクターは呼び出されません。

従業員 ID は、等号の反対側にあります。入力変数の値をFIDフィールドにあるものに再割り当てしていますFEmployeeID


// Constructor 
public FullTimeEmployee(string FFName, string FLName, double FID, double FHours, double FPRate)
    FEmployeeFName = FFName;
    FEmployeeLName = FLName;
    FEmployeeID = FID;
    FEmployeeWorkHour = FHours;
    FEmployeePayRate = FPRate;


this()別のオプションとして、引数なしのコンストラクターに 4-(まあ、5-)args コンストラクターからデフォルト値を挿入させたい場合は、atを使用して 4/5-args コンストラクターに引数なしのコンストラクターを呼び出させることができます。宣言の終わり。

// Constructor 
public FullTimeEmployee(string FFName, string FLName, double FID, double FHours, double FPRate) 
    : this()
    FEmployeeFName = FFName;
    FEmployeeLName = FLName;
    FEmployeeID = FID;
    FEmployeeWorkHour = FHours;
    FEmployeePayRate = FPRate;
于 2013-09-22T02:09:57.753 に答える