We need a video list by channel name of YouTube (using the API).
We can get a channel list (only channel name) by using the below API:
Below is a direct link of channels
Now, we need videos of channel >> UCqAEtEr0A0Eo2IVcuWBfB9g or HC-8jgBP-4rlI.
We tried
https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?v=2&uploader=partner&User=UC7Xayrf2k0NZiz3S04WuDNQ https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?v=2&uploader=partner&q=UC7Xayrf2k0NZiz3S04WuDNQ
But, it does not help.
We need all the videos posted on the channel. Videos uploaded to a channel can be from multiple users thus I don't think providing a user parameter would help...