
たとえば、このフィールドは 100KSGD です。

K を取得し、100 の値を 1000 に掛ける必要があるため、100,000SGD が得られます。

次に、SGD を取得し、それを SGD から USD への外国為替レートで乗算する必要があります。それが私が得なければならない価値です。

Instr を使用して K を取得し、フィールドに他の文字列がなければ計算を実行できました。


    If InStr(1 , OEMTEST_String$ , HasString_K$, 5) > 0 Then
            Print "Searching for letter K in OEMTEST field..."
            MsgBox("Letter K is found in OEMTEST field!")
            Print "Converting OEMTEST field..."

        'Replace  All occurrences of K  
        tempPosition = InStr( 1, OEMTEST_String$, HasString_K$ )    
        If( ( Len( OEMTEST_String$ ) - Len( HasString_K$ ) ) + 1 = tempPosition ) Then 
            OEMnvar = Left( OEMTEST_String$, tempPosition - 1 )
            MsgBox "The number value in OEMTEST field is " & OEMnvar

            OEMnewvar = CDbl(OEMnvar) 'change nvar from string to double
            OEMupdatedVar = CDbl(OEMnewvar * 1000) 'multiply the value by 1000

            MsgBox "new value of OEMTEST is " & OEMupdatedvar 'check message box

            'replace the value and save the document
            Print "Saving converted value of OEMTEST field..."
            Call note.ReplaceItemValue("OEMTEST", OEMupdatedVar)
            Call note.Save(True, False) 

        End If
        Print "Letter K not found in OEMTEST field..."
    End If

必要な値を取得するにはどうすればよいですか? ネストされた Instr を実行するにはどうすればよいですか?



2 に答える 2


これには多くの穴がありますが、主な手法はSplit( InputValue, "K")、数値と変換記号を取得するために呼び出すことです。

Option Public
Option Declare

Sub Initialize
' We make lots of mistakes, here. Among the more serious:
'   1. Assume 'K' is always present between the number and the conversion symbol.
'   2. Assume the conversion symbol never has 'K' in it.
'   3. No error checking
'   4. Hard-coded conversion rate.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

    Const K_SEP = "K"

    Dim strParseThis As String
    Dim varParts As Variant
    Dim dblValue As Double
    Dim dblRate List As Double

    ' Build your conversion table. (Here as a List or load from a database.)    
    dblRate("SGD") = 0.7500 ' made up value, of course.

    strParseThis = "100KSGD"

    varParts = Split( strParseThis, K_SEP )

'   Print {"} + Join( varParts, {", "} ) + {"}

    If UBound( varParts ) = 1 Then
        ' Now we have an array with "100" in the first element and "SGD" in the second
        dblValue = Cdbl( varParts(0) ) * 1000.00 * dblRate( varParts(1) )
        Print strParseThis + " converts to " + Format( dblValue, "#,##0.00" ) + " USD"

        Print strParseThis + " did not have a " + K_SEP

    End If

End Sub
于 2013-10-08T16:19:46.157 に答える
' havent tried in script this but how about something like this :

const K="K"
dim sStartVal as string
dim sMoneyBit as string
dim sCurrencyBit as string
dim dMoney as double
dim sNewMoney as double
dim sngRatio as single

sngRato = 0.666 ' whatever the ratio of SGD to USD is
if instr(sStartVal,"K")>0 then
    ' we have a K - might be at the beginning though
     sMoneyBit=strleft(sStartVal, K) ' stleft and strright get the string to left of right of second param
     sCurrencyBit=strright(sStartVal,K) ' never used, but your logic should use this to get the right ratio ?
     dMoney = cdbl("0"+sMoneyBit) * 1000 ' here cos we found a K so multiply out. Leading extra zero just handles case where string starts with a K
     dNewMoney = dMoney * sngRatio
end if
' dNewMoney = answer, or zero if no K found
于 2013-09-23T16:56:30.930 に答える