私が現在検証に使用している関数です。ユーザーが「20」や-7などを入力すると、それを受け入れず、有効な値を取得するまで新しい値を要求し続けるという点で、これは非常にうまく機能します。ただし、ユーザーが北部地域の事故件数に 60.7 を入力すると、60 が受け入れられ、.7 の部分が削除されます。次に、南部地域の事故件数を尋ねると、通常の指示とより具体的な指示の両方が表示されます。
//These will hold the number of accidents in each region last year
int northTotal = 0;
int southTotal = 0;
int eastTotal = 0;
int westTotal = 0;
int centralTotal = 0;
//passing 0 for northTotal, southTotal etc. because main doesn't know
//values of them until the function returns a value. When it returns a value
//it will go into the variables on the left. getRegionTotal will get the number
//of accidents for a region from the user and prompt the user using the string that
//is in the first argument.
northTotal = getRegionTotal("North", northTotal);
southTotal = getRegionTotal("South", southTotal);
eastTotal = getRegionTotal("East", eastTotal);
westTotal = getRegionTotal("West", westTotal);
centralTotal = getRegionTotal("Central", centralTotal);
int getRegionTotal(string regionName, int regionTotal)
//instructs user to enter number of accidents reported in a particular region
cout << "\nNumber of automobile accidents reported in " << regionName << " " << cityName << ": ";
//while regionTotal is not an integer or regionTotal is negative
while (!(cin >> regionTotal) || (regionTotal < 0) )
//give user more specific instructions
cout << "\nPlease enter a positive whole number for the number of\n";
cout << "automobile accidents in " << regionName << " " << cityName << ": ";
cin.clear(); //clear out cin object
cin.ignore(100, '\n'); //ignore whatever is in the cin object
//up to 100 characters or until
// a new line character
//returns a valid value for the number of accidents for the region
return regionTotal;