2 つの文字列配列リストを取り込み、どちらか一方のリストにあるが両方にはない値のリストを出力するメソッドを作成しようとしています。重複は許可されていません。


public static ArrayList<String> getDifference(ArrayList<String> one, ArrayList<String>     two)
Set<String> oneSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(one);
ArrayList<String> finalone = new ArrayList<>(oneSet);
Set<String> twoSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(two);
ArrayList<String> finaltwo = new ArrayList<>(twoSet);
Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(finaltwo);
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(result);
return list;


public void testGetDifferenceWithEmptyListSecond() {
    String[]          un   = { "luke", "leah", "han" };
    String[]          duex = { };
    ArrayList<String> one  = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( un ));
    ArrayList<String> two  = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( duex ));

    ArrayList<String> actual = Lab03Two.getDifference( one, two );

    assertEquals( "The number of elements is incorrect", 3, actual.size() );
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"luke\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "luke" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"leah\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "leah" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"han\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "han" ));
public void testGetDifferenceWithOverlapAndDuplicates() {
    String[]          un   = { "palpatine", "dooku", "vader", "sidius" };
    String[]          duex = { "padme", "vader", "sidius", "ackbar", "padme" };
    ArrayList<String> one  = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( un ));
    ArrayList<String> two  = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( duex ));

    ArrayList<String> actual = Lab03Two.getDifference( one, two );

    assertEquals( "The number of elements is incorrect", 4, actual.size() );
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"ackbar\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "ackbar" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"dooku\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "dooku" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"padme\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "padme" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"palpatine\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "palpatine" ));

public void testGetDifferenceWithNoOverlap() {
    String[]          un   = { "obi-wan", "jar-jar", "anakin" };
    String[]          duex = { "r2-d2", "c-3po" };
    ArrayList<String> one  = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( un ));
    ArrayList<String> two  = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList( duex ));

    ArrayList<String> actual = Lab03Two.getDifference( one, two );

    assertEquals( "The number of elements is incorrect", 5, actual.size() );
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"obi-wan\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "obi-wan" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"jar-jar\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "jar-jar" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"anakin\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "anakin" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"r2-d2\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "r2-d2" ));
    assertTrue  ( "The value \"c-3po\" was not found in the result", actual.contains( "c-3po" ));

3 に答える 3



Set Union: { A, B } ∪ { B, C } = { A, B, C } [重複のないすべての要素]
Set Intersection: { A, B } ∩ { B, C } = { B } [共通要素] Set Difference: { A, B } / { B, C } = { A } [ 注意、C 要素なし ]


  1. { "パルパティーン", "ドゥークー", "ベイダー", "シディアス" }
  2. { "パドメ"、"ベイダー"、"シディアス"、"アクバー"、"パドメ" }

( 1 ∪ 2 / 1 ∩ 2 )

{ パルパティーン ドゥークー ベイダー シディアス パドメ アクバー } - { パドメ ベイダー } = { パルパティーン ドゥークー シディアス アクバー }


replaceAll はセットの違いを適用します: ( oneSet の違い twoSet )

トリップアップはremoveAllメソッドから来ています。1で見つかったすべての要素を 2 から削除しますが、1から2見つからなかっすべての要素を追加するわけではありません。

次のコードは、 2 つの集合差分と 1 つの和集合を実行して、対称差分 / 排他的 OR を達成することでテストを修正します。

排他的または (xor)、対称差

public static List<String> getXOR(List<String> oneArray, List<String> twoArray) {

Set<String> oneSet = new HashSet<>(oneArray);
Set<String> twoSet = new HashSet<>(twoArray);

oneSet.removeAll(twoArray);// 1. oneSet / twoArray    ,  oneSet !AND twoArray
twoSet.removeAll(oneArray);// 2. twoSet / oneArray    ,  twoSet !AND oneArray
oneSet.addAll(twoSet);     // 3. oneSet U twoSet      ,  oneSet OR   twoSet

return new ArrayList<String>(oneSet);
于 2013-09-25T20:49:27.310 に答える
public static ArrayList<String> getDifference(ArrayList<String> one, ArrayList<String> two)
    ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

    //iterate over all elements of one
    //if two does not contain it, it's a difference -> add it
    for (String i : one) {
        if (!two.contains(i)) {

    //same with two
    for (String i : two) {
        if (!one.contains(i)) {

    return list;
于 2013-09-25T20:46:49.890 に答える


Set<String> solution = new LinkedHashSet<>();
int n1 = one.size();
int n2 = two.size();
int i=0;
int j=0;
while (i<n1) {
    while (j<n2) {
       if (!one.get(i).equals(two.get(j))) 

    if (i>=n2) {

while (j<n2) {
于 2013-09-25T20:35:37.573 に答える