ロールが 1 でない場合、ロールを「保留」したいと思います。コードは、"h" ブラケット条件ステートメント内の命令を無視し、もう一度サイコロを振ります。1 をロールすると、コードが機能してコンピューターのターンに進み、フラグが正しく設定されるため、混乱しています。
while ((humanScore <= 100) && (computerScore <=100))
/*loop while human turn is true*/
while ((humanTurn == true) && (computerTurn == false))
die = randomGenerator.nextInt(6) + 1;
if(die == 1)
System.out.println("Human, you rolled a 1, you lose your points and your turn.");
humanTurn = false;
computerTurn = true;
points = 0;
System.out.println("Your score is now " + humanScore);
System.out.println("Computer, it is now your turn.");
else if(die != 1)
System.out.println("Human, you currently have " + points + " points to add to score.");
System.out.println("You have rolled a " + die + " would you like to hold, or roll again?");
System.out.println("Please enter either r to roll, or h to hold.");
points = points + die;
decision = scanner.next();
if (decision == "r")
humanTurn = true;
if(decision == "h")
humanScore = humanScore + points;
humanTurn = false;
computerTurn = true;
points = 0;
System.out.println("You hold, your score is now " + humanScore);
System.out.println("Computer, it is now your turn.");