Rails 4 アプリケーションでletsrate gemを使用しています。この宝石を lib ファイルに追加し、Rails 4 で動作するように少し変更しました。現在、次のような非推奨の警告が表示されています。
DEPRECATION WARNING: The following options in your Performer.has_many :rates_without_dimension declaration are deprecated: :conditions. Please use a scope block instead. For example, the following:
has_many :spam_comments, conditions: { spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment'
should be rewritten as the following:
has_many :spam_comments, -> { where spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment' . (called from letsrate_rateable at /home/aravind/Documents/dev/gw-c4u/lib/letsrate/lib/letsrate/model.rb:76) DEPRECATION WARNING: The following options in your Performer.has_one :rate_average_without_dimension declaration are deprecated: :conditions. Please use a scope block instead. For example, the following:
has_many :spam_comments, conditions: { spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment'
should be rewritten as the following:
has_many :spam_comments, -> { where spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment' . (called from letsrate_rateable at /home/aravind/Documents/dev/gw-c4u/lib/letsrate/lib/letsrate/model.rb:79) DEPRECATION WARNING: The following options in your Performer.has_many :performance_rates declaration are deprecated: :conditions. Please use a scope block instead. For example, the following:
has_many :spam_comments, conditions: { spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment'
should be rewritten as the following:
has_many :spam_comments, -> { where spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment' . (called from block in letsrate_rateable at /home/aravind/Documents/dev/gw-c4u/lib/letsrate/lib/letsrate/model.rb:84) DEPRECATION WARNING: The following options in your Performer.has_one :performance_average declaration are deprecated: :conditions. Please use a scope block instead. For example, the following:
has_many :spam_comments, conditions: { spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment'
should be rewritten as the following:
has_many :spam_comments, -> { where spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment' . (called from block in letsrate_rateable at /home/aravind/Documents/dev/gw-c4u/lib/letsrate/lib/letsrate/model.rb:91)
module ClassMethods
def letsrate_rater
has_many :ratings_given, :class_name => "Rate", :foreign_key => :rater_id
def letsrate_rateable(*dimensions)
has_many :rates_without_dimension, :as => :rateable, :class_name => "Rate", :dependent => :destroy, :conditions => {:dimension => nil}
has_many :raters_without_dimension, :through => :rates_without_dimension, :source => :rater
has_one :rate_average_without_dimension, :as => :cacheable, :class_name => "RatingCache",
:dependent => :destroy, :conditions => {:dimension => nil}
dimensions.each do |dimension|
has_many :"#{dimension}_rates", :dependent => :destroy,
:conditions => {:dimension => dimension.to_s},
:class_name => "Rate",
:as => :rateable
has_many :"#{dimension}_raters", :through => "#{dimension}_rates", :source => :rater
has_one :"#{dimension}_average", :as => :cacheable, :class_name => "RatingCache",
:dependent => :destroy, :conditions => {:dimension => dimension.to_s}
:dependent=>:destroy を行の最後の部分に移動し、条件 => {:dimension => dimension.to_s} を -> {:dimension => dimension.to_s} に変更しようとしました。エラーをスローするだけです。私は何を間違っていますか?