
C でキャッシュ シミュレーションを記述するプロジェクトがありますが、これまでのところ、配列とプログラムのクラッシュにスペースを割り当てることに固執しています。私を助けてください。このプログラムではポインターを使用する必要があります。メイン関数で単純に配列を作成したときは問題ありませんでしたが、グローバルにポインターを作成した後、プログラムがクラッシュし始め、グローバルにする必要があります。要件の 1 つです。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

int INDEXLENGTH; // global variable for num of bits in index
int OFFSETLENGTH; // global variable for num of bits in byte offset
int TAGBITS; // global variable for num of bits in the tag
int misses=0; //variable for total number of misses
int hits=0;
int **tagAr; // LRUArray pointer
int **lruAr; // tagArray pointer
int cacheSize; // user specified size of cache
int blockSize; // user specified size of each block
int linesperset;
int sets;

int main(void)
    int i; // simply a few variables for future for loops
    int j;

    printf("Welcome to Lab A Cache Simulator by Divya, Alex and Jenn.\n");
    printf("To begin, please input the size of the cache you will be simulating in bytes.\n");
    scanf(" %d", &cacheSize); // (cache size in bytes) is read in from the user
    printf("You have inputed this: %d\n", cacheSize);

    printf("Next, please input the size of each cache line in bytes.\n");
    scanf(" %d", &blockSize); // blocksize is read in from the user
    printf("You have inputed this: %d\n", blockSize);

    printf("Finally, please input the number of ways of associativity for this cache.\n");
    printf("Also, input the number as a power of 2.\n");
    scanf(" %d", &linesperset); // linesperset is read in from the user
    printf("You have inputed this: %d\n", linesperset);

    sets = (cacheSize/(blockSize*linesperset));
    printf("Variable sets is: %d\n", sets);

    tagAr=(int **)malloc(sets*sizeof(int *)); // allocating space for "l" array pointers
    for (i=0; i<sets; i++) tagAr[i]=(int *)malloc(linesperset*sizeof(int)); //allocates space for k columns for each p[i]

    lruAr=(int **)malloc(sets*sizeof(int *)); // allocating space for "l" array pointers
    for (i=0; i<sets; i++) lruAr[i]=(int *)malloc(linesperset*sizeof(int)); //allocates space for k columns for each p[i]

    for (i=0; i<sets; i++)
            for (j=0; j<blockSize; j++)
                tagAr[i][j] = -1;
                lruAr[i][j] = -1;

    for (i = 0; i < sets; i++) //This part of the code prints array for debuging purposes
            for (j = 0; j < blockSize; j++)
                printf(" %d", lruAr[i][j]);

    printf("This is the value of IndexLength before setting, should be 0 : %d\n", INDEXLENGTH); //only for debuging purposes
    printf("This is the value of IndexLength after setting: %d\n", INDEXLENGTH); //only for debuging purposes
    printf("This is the value of OffsetLength before setting, should be 0 : %d\n", OFFSETLENGTH); //only for debuging purposes
    printf("This is the value of OffsetLength after setting: %d\n", OFFSETLENGTH); //only for debuging purposes

    return misses;

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