別のクラスで asyncTask から結果を取得する際に問題があります。here の同様の質問の回答に従っていますが、どこが間違っているのかわかりません。
私の AsyncTask は、簡単に呼び出すための別のクラスにあります。非同期タスクが完了したことを通知して、次のアクティビティを開始できるようにする必要がありました。
public class StartScreen extends Activity{
ProgressDialog pd;
CountDownTimer waitTimer;
public static final String APP_PREFERENCES = "AppPrefs";
SharedPreferences settings;
SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
settings = getSharedPreferences(APP_PREFERENCES, MODE_PRIVATE);
// getPreferences();
// prefEditor = settings.edit();
waitTimer = new CountDownTimer(2000, 300) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
//called every 300 milliseconds, which could be used to
//send messages or some other action
public void onFinish() {
//After 2000 milliseconds (2 sec) finish current
//if you would like to execute something when time finishes
pd = ProgressDialog.show(StartScreen.this,"Title","Detail text",true,false,null);
private void getPreferences() {
String UserName = settings.getString("UserName", null);
if (UserName != null) {
// the key does not exist
Intent intent=new Intent(StartScreen.this,InitialPreferences.class);
} else{
//if (UserName.equals(UserName)){
// handle the value
private void dataTask() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
new DATATask(this).execute(new FragmentCallback(){
public void onTaskDone() {
private void startMainAct() {
Intent intent=new Intent(StartScreen.this,MainActivity.class);
public interface FragmentCallback {
public void onTaskDone();
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.start_screen, menu);
return true;
public class DATATask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, ArrayList<String>> {
private FragmentCallback mFragmentCallback;
public void execute(FragmentCallback fragmentCallback) {
mFragmentCallback = fragmentCallback;
ArrayList<String> arr_data=new ArrayList<String>();
private Context context;
public DATATask(Context context)
this.context = context;
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(Void... params) {
Document docVts, docTide;
String shippingList, tideTimes;
try {
docVts = Jsoup.connect("https://vts.mhpa.co.uk/main_movelistb.asp").timeout(600000).get();
Elements tableRows = docVts.select("table.dynlist td:eq(0),td:eq(1),td:eq(3),td:eq(4),td:eq(7),td:eq(8)");
for(int i = 1; i < 80; i++){//only allows x results from vts list, from 1 not 0. 0 produces needless results
shippingList = tableRows.get(i).text().replaceAll(" | ", "") +"\n";
arr_data.add(shippingList);// add value to ArrayList
docTide = Jsoup.connect("http://www.mhpa.co.uk/search-tide-times/").timeout(600000).get();
Elements tideTimeOdd = docTide.select("div.tide_row.odd div:eq(0)");
Elements tideTimeEven = docTide.select("div.tide_row.even div:eq(0)");
Elements tideHightOdd = docTide.select("div.tide_row.odd div:eq(2)");
Elements tideHightEven = docTide.select("div.tide_row.even div:eq(2)");
Element firstTideTime = tideTimeOdd.first();
Element secondTideTime = tideTimeEven.first();
Element thirdTideTime = tideTimeOdd.get(1);
Element fourthTideTime = tideTimeEven.get(1);
Element firstTideHight = tideHightOdd.first();
Element secondTideHight = tideHightEven.first();
Element thirdTideHight = tideHightOdd.get(1);
Element fourthTideHight = tideHightEven.get(1);
System.out.println("first tide time: " + firstTideTime.text() + " " + firstTideHight.text());
System.out.println("second tide time: " + secondTideTime.text() + " " + secondTideHight.text() );
System.out.println("third tide time: " + thirdTideTime.text() + " " + thirdTideHight.text());
System.out.println("fourth tide time: " + fourthTideTime.text() + " " + fourthTideHight.text());
Work with data - all is OK
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return arr_data;//<< return ArrayList from here
protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {