クラス名: InspectionTree.java
関数シグネチャ: private String getSamePackagePathAndName(String className, String classPath)
String firstName = "John";
String lastName = "Smith";
//call the class's constructor to set up the instance, before calling the private function
InspectionTree inspectionTree = new InspectionTree(firstName, lastName);
String privateMethodName ="getSamePackagePathAndName";
Class[] privateMethodArgClasses = new Class[] { String.class, String.class };
Method method =
inspectionTree.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(privateMethodName, privateArgClasses);
String className = "Person";
String classPath = "C:\\workspace";
Object[] params = new Object[]{className, classPath};
//note the return type of function 'getSamePackagePathAndName' is a String, so we cast
//the return type here as a string
String answer= (String)method.invoke(inspectionTree, params);