関数を呼び出す関数を作成しようとしています (サイコロを 1000 回振ってリスト [1,2,3,4,5,6] をカウントする roll die() ため、結果は [100,200,100,300,200,100] になる可能性があります)。 x回実行するように指示します。私のコードはそれを何度も何度も印刷しているようです
#simulate rolling a six-sided die multiple tiems, and tabulate the results using a list
import random #import from the library random so you can generate a random int
def rollDie():
#have 6 variables and set the counter that equals 0
one = 0
two = 0
three = 0
four = 0
five = 0
six = 0
#use a for loop to code how many times you want it to run
for i in range(0,1000):
#generate a random integer between 1 and 6
flip = int(random.randint(1,6))
# the flip variable is the the number you rolled each time
#Every number has its own counter
#if the flip is equal to the corresponding number, add one
if flip == 1:
one = one + 1
elif flip == 2:
two = two + 1
elif flip == 3:
three = three + 1
elif flip == 4:
four = four + 1
elif flip == 5:
five = five + 1
elif flip == 6:
six = six + 1
#return the new variables as a list
return [one,two,three,four,five,six]
def simulateRolls(value):
multipleGames = rollDie() * value
return multipleGames
値に 4 を入力すると、このような結果が表示されます