The values in the x-axis keep on recurring and I want only three values to appear: Rural, Peri Urban and Urban. Below is my Javascript code showing the drawChart function used to visualize the chart. What could be the problem?

     function drawVisualization(County) {
      containerId: "visualization",
      dataSourceUrl: "http://www.google.com/fusiontables/gvizdata?tq=",
      query: "SELECT Environment,'BoyPupils','GirlPupils' " +
          "FROM 1eC4sIAgVXfFj01mOM2cDiyW2nly7TcFeIXj1G3s" +
          "WHERE Environment IN ('Rural','Urban'.'Peri Urban')",
      chartType: "ColumnChart",
      options: {
        title: County,
        height: 750,
        width: 1100

I want only three values to appear unlike in the image


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