library foo_library;
class Foo {
String bar;
library new_instance_test;
import "dart:mirrors";
import "foo.dart";
int main() {
// These symbols are the names of the Library, the Class and the constructor for the Class that you want to dynamically load
final Symbol librarySymbol = const Symbol("foo_library");
final Symbol classSymbol = const Symbol("Foo");
final Symbol constructorSymbol = const Symbol("");
MirrorSystem mirrorSystem = currentMirrorSystem();
// Get LibraryMirror for Library foo_library.
// It returns an iterator, get the first LibraryMirror
LibraryMirror libraryMirror = mirrorSystem.findLibrary(librarySymbol).first;
// Get ClassMirror for Class Foo
ClassMirror classMirror = libraryMirror.declarations[classSymbol];
// Get the InstanceMirror using the default constructor
InstanceMirror testClassInstanceMirror = classMirror.newInstance(constructorSymbol, []);
//Get the reflectee object from the InstanceMirror
Foo foo = testClassInstanceMirror.reflectee;
//Set bar and print it
foo.bar = "foobar";