SSIS でスクリプト タスクを使用しています。このタスクでは、3 つの異なるレコードセットを使用してデータ フローに行を追加しています。これらのレコードセットを最初に使用する場合はすべて正常に機能しますが、追加の行がレコードセットにアクセスする必要がある場合、レコードセットにはデータがありません。


ID |   mScale   |  startDate  | End Date  ....
 1 |    w       |   7/8/13    | 10/31/13
 1 |    m       |   11/1/13   | 3/31/14
 1 |    q       |   4/1/14    | 7/31/14
 2 |    w       |   7/8/13    | 10/31/13
 2 |    m       |   11/1/13   | 3/31/14
 2 |    q       |   4/1/14    | 7/31/14

行を追加して、送信データ フローが次のようになるようにします。

 ID  |  pScale   |   startDate  | EndDate
  1  |    w      |     7/8/13   |  7/14/13
  1  |    w      |     7/15/13  |  7/21/13
  1  |    w      |    10/28/13  |  10/31/13
  1  |    m      |    11/1/13   |  11/30/13
  1  |    m      |    12/1/13   |  12/31/13
  1  |    m      |    3/1/14    |  3/31/14
  1  |    q      |    4/1/14    |  6/30/14
  1  |    q      |    7/1/14    |  7/31/14
  2  |    w      |     7/8/13   |  7/14/13
  2  |    w      |     7/15/13  |  7/21/13
  2  |    w      |    10/28/13  |  10/31/13
  2  |    m      |    11/1/13   |  11/30/13
  2  |    m      |    12/1/13   |  12/31/13
  2  |    m      |    3/1/14    |  3/31/14
  2  |    q      |    4/1/14    |  6/30/14
  2  |    q      |    7/1/14    |  7/31/14


ID 1 の出力行は作成されていますが、ID 2 の出力行は作成されていません。

インターネットで、同じレコードセットを 2 回反復できないという情報を見つけました。レコードセットを再生成または再利用する方法があるかどうか疑問に思っていますか? それとも、この設計全体を再考する必要がありますか?


' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Component
' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008.
' ScriptMain is the entry point class of the script.

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data.OleDb

<Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.SSISScriptComponentEntryPointAttribute()> _
<CLSCompliant(False)> _
Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

    Dim oleDA As New OleDbDataAdapter
    Dim dt As New DataTable
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim Difference As TimeSpan

        If Row.mScale = "w" Then
            'create 17 new rows, pull start date and enddate from the excel sheet.
            oleDA.Fill(dt, Me.ReadOnlyVariables("User::WeeklyData").Value)
            If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
                'loop through and find the proper start date,
                j = 0
                For Each dtRow As Data.DataRow In dt.Rows

                    Dim dtStartDate As String = dt.Rows(j)("StartDate").ToString
                    Dim dfStartDate As String = Row.oStartDate.ToString

                    If dfStartDate = dtStartDate Then
                        'start here to populate the next 17 rows.
                        Exit For
                        j = j + 1
                    End If
                For i = 1 To 17
                    With Output0Buffer
                        .PlanID = Row.PlanID
                        .oStartDate = dt.Rows.Item(j)(0).ToString
                        .aFID = Row.aFID
                        .oEndDate = dt.Rows.Item(j)(1).ToString
                        .pScale = Row.mScale
                        .pCount= 1
                        .nwDays = Weekdays(dt.Rows.Item(j)(0), dt.Rows.Item(j)(1))
                        .CreateDate = Today
                        .ModDate = Today
                        j = j + 1
                    End With
            End If
        End If

        If Row.mScale = "m" Then
            'create 7 new rows, pull start date and enddate from the excel sheet.
            'where to start - the start of the month that is two months out from the project start date?
            'how to add two months to the date?
            oleDA.Fill(dt, Me.ReadOnlyVariables("User::MonthlyData").Value)
            If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
                'loop through and find the proper start date,
                j = 0
                For Each dtRow As Data.DataRow In dt.Rows
                    Dim dtStartDate As String = dt.Rows(j)("StartDate").ToString
                    Dim dfStartDate As String = Row.oStartDate.AddMonths(-2).ToString
                    'Subtract two months from start date.

                    If dfStartDate <= dtStartDate Then
                        'start here to populate the next 7 rows.
                        Exit For
                        j = j + 1
                    End If
                For i = 1 To 7
                    With Output0Buffer
                        .PlanID = Row.PlanID
                        .oStartDate = dt.Rows.Item(j)(0).ToString
                        .aFID = Row.aFID
                        .oEndDate = dt.Rows.Item(j)(1).ToString
                        'need to store this in a variable to use for the start of the quarterly dates.
                        .pScale = Row.mScale
                        .pCount= 1
                        'Calculate .nwDays 
                        'NumWorkDays = dt.Rows.Item(j)(1).Subtract(dt.Rows.Item(j)(0).ToString)
                        '.nwDays = NumWorkDays.TotalDays
                        .nwDays = Weekdays(dt.Rows.Item(j)(0), dt.Rows.Item(j)(1))
                        .CreateDate = Today
                        .ModDate = Today
                        j = j + 1
                    End With
            End If
        End If

        If Row.mScale = "q" Then
            'create x new rows, pull start date and enddate from the excel sheet.
            oleDA.Fill(dt, Me.ReadOnlyVariables("User::QuarterlyData").Value)
            If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
                'loop through and find the proper start date,
                j = 0
                For Each dtRow As Data.DataRow In dt.Rows
                    Dim dtStartDate As String = dt.Rows(j)("StartDate").ToString

                    If Row.oStartDate <= dtStartDate Then
                        'start here to populate the next x rows until the project end date.
                        Exit For
                        j = j + 1
                    End If

                While dt.Rows.Item(j)(0) <= Row.UpdateAccIDprojEndDate
                    With Output0Buffer
                        .PlanID = Row.PlanID
                        .oStartDate = dt.Rows.Item(j)(0).ToString
                        .aFID = Row.aFID
                        Difference = dt.Rows.Item(j)(1).Subtract(Row.UpdateAccIDprojEndDate)

                        If (Row.UpdateAccIDprojEndDate < dt.Rows.Item(j)(1)) Then
                            .oEndDate = Row.UpdateAccIDprojEndDate
                            .nwDays = Weekdays(dt.Rows.Item(j)(0), Row.UpdateAccIDprojEndDate)

                            .oEndDate = dt.Rows.Item(j)(1).ToString
                            .nwDays = Weekdays(dt.Rows.Item(j)(0), dt.Rows.Item(j)(1))

                        End If
                        .pScale = Row.mScale
                        .pCount= 1
                        .CreateDate = Today
                        .ModDate = Today
                        j = j + 1
                    End With
                End While
            End If
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw ex
        'use this to do something even if the script task fails.
    End Try
End Sub

Private Function Weekdays(ByRef startDate As Date, ByRef endDate As Date) As Integer
    Dim numWeekdays As Integer
    Dim totalDays As Integer
    Dim WeekendDays As Integer
    numWeekdays = 0
    WeekendDays = 0

    totalDays = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, startDate, endDate) + 1

    For i As Integer = 1 To totalDays

        If DatePart(DateInterval.Weekday, startDate) = 1 Then
            WeekendDays = WeekendDays + 1
        End If
        If DatePart(DateInterval.Weekday, startDate) = 7 Then
            WeekendDays = WeekendDays + 1
        End If
        startDate = DateAdd("d", 1, startDate)

    numWeekdays = totalDays - WeekendDays

    Return numWeekdays

End Function

End Class

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