I just started open cv and I'm trying to understand the output that I'm getting from imread function. This is the code:

img = cv2.imread('...')

The image width x height is 3744 X 2104

But in the img variable I have defined, I have a multi dimensional array with shape (2104, 3744, 3).

I would like to know what does this shape mean in terms of images.

When I iterate over img, each item has a shape (3744, 3) and there 2104 such values. What I want to know is why do we have 3 x 3744 values 2104 times. I expected a matrix of width x height I mentioned.


1 に答える 1


画像のサイズは 2104 ピクセル x 3744 ピクセルで、「3」はおそらくカラー チャネルの数、つまり赤、緑、青です。

于 2013-10-05T01:44:30.123 に答える