I put an xlogscale in and it messed up the drawing of the gridlines. The major x gridlines are no longer the same gray as the major y gridlines, they are the gray of the minor x and y gridlines.

The following to pictures show this.

Any ideas on how this can be fixed?




#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot

set term pdfcairo size 15cm,10cm
set output 'FFT.pdf'

set datafile separator '    '
unset key

set border lw 4 back

set grid mxtics mytics xtics ytics lt 1 lc rgb 'gray70', lt 1 lc rgb 'gray90'

set mxtics 5
set mytics 5

set xrange [10:10e3]

set title 'Harmonic Distortion'
set xlabel 'Frequency [Hz]'
set ylabel 'Output Voltage [dB]'

set mxtics 10
set logscale x 10

plot 'FFT.dat' using ($1):(20*log10((($2**2)+($3**2))**0.5)-5.49074) with lines lw 4 lc rgb 'red'

set out

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