//The user input
$input = $_POST["txtNumberOfCards"];
$suit = array( "Hearts" , "Diamonds" , "Clubs" , "Spades" );
$card = array( "Ace" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , "10" , "Jack" , "Queen" , "King");
//$dealArray holds the cards as they are dealt and used to compare what cards have all ready been dealt
$dealArray= array( );
//$count the while loop counter variable
$count = 0;
//while the $count variable is less then the $input
while( $count < $input )
//generate a card combination array
$cardCombo = array( 'suit' => $suit[ rand( 0 , 3 ) ],//Generate Random suit
'card' => $card[ rand( 0 , 12 ) ] );//Generate Random card
//if the $cardCombo array that was generated is not in the $dealArray
if ( !in_array( $cardCombo , $dealArray ) )
//Add the $cardCombo array to the end of the $dealArray
array_push( $dealArray , $cardCombo );
//Output an HTML image for the $cardCombo array
echo ( '<img src="Images/' . $cardCombo['card'] . 'of' . $cardCombo['suit'] . '.gif">' );
$count++;//Add 1 to the counter