group_concat コマンド内で concat_ws を使用しようとしています。単純化されたクエリでは、次のようになります。

SELECT item.title, GROUP_CONCAT( CONCAT_WS(  ',', attachments.id, attachments.type,     attachments.name ) )  as attachments
FROM story AS item
LEFT OUTER JOIN story_attachment AS attachments ON item.id = attachments.item_id
GROUP BY item.id

添付ファイルの列を Blob 型として取得します。Blob の代わりに文字列として取得することは可能ですか?


2 に答える 2



SELECT item.title, GROUP_CONCAT( CAST(CONCAT_WS(',', attachments.id, 
attachments.type, attachments.name ) as CHAR ) ) as attachments 
FROM story AS item 
LEFT OUTER JOIN story_attachment AS attachments 
ON item.id = attachments.item_id GROUP BY item.id
于 2008-10-10T16:06:46.550 に答える

Although I suspect CAST is the appropriate answer, it's worth mentioning that I ran into a similar thing in the past which turned out to be down to a strange/conflicting collation type and character set.

于 2008-10-10T16:09:38.837 に答える