Many times I need to have a variable to express the type of something, but as you probably know it is also the name of a function in Lua.

What could be a proper workaround? I thought of:

  1. Use it anyways. Since I use almost only local values, the type function isn't overwritten but it becomes temporarily inaccessible (also a problem when used as an argument name).
  2. Using a synonym of the word "type" (probably the easiest solution), but I can't come up with anything good.
  3. Using upper case, prefix/suffix, like Type, TYPE or _type, but it goes against the code style used so far.
  4. Save the type function as something else and restore it at the end.
  5. Add a global reference to type called for example 'typeof' so that when type is used locally I can still use typeof.
  6. Recompile Lua with a different name for the type function (no thanks!)

2 に答える 2


適切なオプションは #2 と #3 だけです。他のオプションを選択すると、通常、問題が発生します。



これらは、C と同じ強力な規則を持つ予約済みの識別子とは見なされませんが (実際に予約済みの名前は、アンダースコアで始まり、大文字が続く名前のみです)、非常にやむを得ない理由がない限り、Lua 標準ライブラリ名は予約済みと見なす必要があります。特に大規模なアプリケーションでは。命名規則を維持することは、それほど説得力のある理由ではありません。

于 2013-10-10T16:44:30.317 に答える


于 2013-10-10T10:11:39.037 に答える