ネストされたプライベート クラスを持つ次のクラスがあり、 toの値を割り当てたいと思いContext
ます。私はゲッターとセッターを使用しましたが、( ) の値がNID
( Sequencer.Context = value;
) に割り当てられることはありませんSeqNode = Node.LoadNode(Context);
Increment.NID = "/Root/Dir/NodetoIncrement";
String getSequence = Convert.ToString(Increment.SID);
// The Class
public static class Increment
//Value of the node Context location in the tree to increment ( Increment.NID )
public static string NID
set { Sequencer.Context = value; } //The "/Root/Dir/NodetoIncrement";
//Get the sequence ID
public static int SID
get { return Sequencer.GetSeqId; }
//Nested sequencer class. This increments the node.
private class Sequencer
private Node SeqNode;
private static int SequenceNumber;
private volatile bool Run = true;
public static string Context { get; set; } //gets
public static int GetSeqId
return Interlocked.Add(ref SequenceNumber, 1);
public Sequencer() //Constructor Here!
SeqNode = Node.LoadNode(Context);
SequenceNumber = Convert.ToInt16(SeqNode["LastSequenceNo"]);
//NEVER DO THIS .. causes the system to lockup see comments.
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
while (Run)
private void Save()
//optimistic concurrency recommended!!
var retryMaxCount = 3; // maximum number of attempts
var cycles = 0; // current attempt
Exception exception = null; // inner exception storage
while (cycles++ < retryMaxCount) // cycle control
SeqNode["LastSequenceNo"] = Convert.ToString(SequenceNumber);
// successful save, exit loop
exception = null;
catch (NodeIsOutOfDateException e)
exception = e; // storing the exception temporarily
SeqNode = Node.LoadNode(Context);
// rethrow if needed
if (exception != null)
throw new ApplicationException("Node is out of date after 3 attempts.", exception);
~Sequencer() { Save(); }
public class XYHandler : Node
public override void Save(NodeSaveSettings settings)
base.Name = Convert.ToString(Increment.SID);
public override bool IsContentType
get { return true; }