readline関数を介してユーザーからユーザーコマンド「command varname = variable」を受け取る基本的なプログラムがあります。次に、文字列を解析して各部分を文字列変数に格納します。私が抱えている問題は、エラーが発生することです:セグメンテーションのデフォルト (コアダンプ)は、不正なメモリアクセスによるものであると考えられていますが、サンプル入力でプログラムを 1 行ずつ実行しました: "set ray」で、これがどこで発生しているのかわかりません。私の予想される結果は、Command には set が含まれ、Varname には ray が含まれ、Value には NULL が含まれている必要があり ます。これは、エラーを示すコードとサンプルの入力と出力です。次のエラーも表示されました: bus (core dumped)一度現れる。このエラーの原因はどこにありますか?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
/* Simple example of using gnu readline to get lines of input from a user.
Needs to be linked with -lreadline -lcurses
add_history tells the readline library to add the line to it's
internal histiry, so that using up-arrow (or ^p) will allows the user
to see/edit previous lines.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char * s;
char * Command;
char * Varname;
char * Value;
while (s=readline("Enter Name: ")) {
add_history(s); /* adds the line to the readline history buffer */
printf("Hello %s\n",s);/*output message to the user*/
int part = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++)
while((isspace(s[i]) || s[i] == '=') && (i < strlen(s)))
i++;//parse the string for the next portion of the command
if(i >= strlen(s))
printf("Error: Command not properly formatted!\n");
break;//terminate the for loop
if(part == 1)//grab the command
int size1 = 0;//size of the command
int j = i;//index of the first non-space character in this portion of the string
while(!isspace(s[j]))//determine the size of the command, j will point to space when the loop exits
Command = (char*) malloc (size1+1);//allocate space to hold the characters of the command along with the terminating '\0' character
int d = 0;//destination index
Command[d] = s[i];//copy the characters of the command portion of s over to the command array
Command[d] = '\0';//terminating null character
part++;//increment the part of the command
else if(part == 2)//grab the varname
int size2 = 0;//initialize the size of the character array which will hold the variable name
int k = i;
while(!isspace(s[k]))//determine the size of the varname, k will be at the next space when the loop exits
Varname = (char*) malloc (size2+1);//allocate space to hold the characters of the Varname along with the terminating '\0' character
int e = 0;
Varname[e] = s[i];//copy the characters of the Varname portion of s over to the Varname string
Varname[e] = '\0';
part++;//increment part
else if(part == 3)//grab the value if one is given
int size3 = 0;//initialize the size of the character array which will hold the value of the environment variable
int l = i;
while(!isspace(s[l]) && s[l] != '\0')//determine the size of the varname and check if we've reached the end of the string
Value = (char*) malloc (size3+1);//allocate space to hold the characters of the Value along with the terminating '\0' character
int f = 0;
Value[f] = s[i];//copy the characters of the command portion of s over to the command array
Value[f] = '\0';
/*print out the sections of the full command*/
if(Command != NULL)
printf("Hey %s\n",Command);
if(Varname != NULL)
printf("Hey %s\n",Varname);
if(Value != NULL)
printf("Hey %s\n",Value);
/* clean up! */
Enter Name: set ray = 21
Hello set ray = 21
Hey set
Hey ray
Hey 21
Enter Name: print ray
Hello print ray
Hey print
Hey ray
Enter Name: delete varname
Hello delete varname
Hey delete
Hey varname
Hey delete
Enter Name: print raymond
Hello print raymond
Hey print
Hey raymond
Enter Name: delete variable
Hello delete variable
Hey delete
Hey variable
Segmentation fault (core dumped)